Symposium 2025: Call for Presenters

Literacy & Learning Symposium 2025 Call for Presenters

The Literacy & Learning Symposium Planning Committee is now accepting proposals from presenters with knowledge, skills and wisdom to share. Our goal is to create a program that includes a variety of relevant, high quality, engaging learning sessions to engage, strengthen and support the CALP system.

We are building a program that will include breakout sessions on Wednesday, April 30 between 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. as well as on Thursday, May 1 between 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in-person in Edmonton.

To be considered, sessions must be engaging learning formats and must have clear learning objectives. Session participants should walk away with knowledge of a tool, strategy or approach that will enhance their ability to support learners. Participants should also come away from these sessions with a clear understanding of the relevance of the session topic to their work, as well as information on how and where to access additional resources and supports.

Our Symposium 2025 Theme is: “Making Waves”

We are seeking presentations with a focus on --

  • waves of imagination
  • waves of inspiration
  • waves of insight
  • waves of innovation
  • waves of impact
  • waves of possibilities

Symposium threads will include:

Literacy and Foundational Learning 
- Adult Literacy
- Basic Digital Skills
- English Language Learning
- Foundational Learners and Learning
- Numeracy Skills for Learning 
- Skills for Learning
- Skills for Success
CALP Programs and Activities
- CALP-funded Family Literacy Programs
- Community Capacity Building
- Financial Literacy
- Learner Support Services
- Learning Activities
- Newcomer Supports for English Language Learners
- Tutoring for English Language Learners (ELL)
- Tutoring in Literacy and Foundational Learning (LFL)
- Workplace Literacy
CALP Staff and Volunteer Development
- Board Development
- Digital Technology, Tools and Resources
- Facilitation Skills
- Inclusion, Diversity and Safer Spaces
- Indigenous, Metis and/or Inuit Learning and Learners
- Instructional Strategies
- Learner-centred Assessment
- Learning Disabilities
- Mental Health & Learning
- Trauma-Informed Practices
- Tutor Training
- Budgeting & Finances
- Community Partnerships and Engagement
- Human Resources
- Marketing and Social Media
- Needs Assessment and/or Evaluation
- Regional Stewardship and Post-Secondary Connections
- Strategic Planning Succession Planning
- Volunteer Recruitment and Retention

To be considered, sessions must be engaging learning formats and must have clear learning objectives. Session participants should walk away with knowledge of a tool, strategy or tactic that will enhance their ability to support learners. Participants should also come away from these sessions with a clear understanding of the relevance of the session topic to their work, as well as information on how and where to access additional resources and supports. 

Presenters will be asked to answer three questions to identify the session's learning objectives: 

·       What is the purpose of this session?
·       What will the participants learn in this session?
·       What will the participants take away from this session?

The answers provided will be included in the published program information to help our Symposium attendees choose the sessions that will meet their individual professional learning needs.

To submit your proposal, please complete the online form at:

Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.


Please contact Pat Halewich, PD & Events Specialist, Community Learning Network


Please help circulate the Call for Presenters within your networks! 


Literacy & Learning Symposium 2025 
Tuesday, April 29 to Thursday, May 1  (In-person in Edmonton)