CALP Portal Blog

31 Articles match your search, displaying matches 21 to 31...
Focus on Savouring and Gratitude

Focus on Savouring and Gratitude

Eight and a half months into Covid-19, and I have been fortunate enough to be able to attend my first “hybrid” CLN Board meeting with cohorts from around the province. I have...

CALP Heroes

CALP Heroes

I am amazed at the innovative and creative ways CALP staff have found to connect with learners, from the basics of mailing or dropping off resources followed up with a phone...

Tips and Tricks for Working from Home

Tips and Tricks for Working from Home

These are interesting times we are living in. COVID-19 has turned our world upside down and has us adapting to things we never dreamed we would. One of the biggest shifts in...

Construction Zone Ahead: Helping Learner’s IMPROVE Their Skills

Construction Zone Ahead: Helping Learner’s IMPROVE Their Skills

Why the Tool? I don’t know about you, but my memory Is not impressive…I’m surprised my phone hasn’t gone on strike due to the number of lists and reminders I enter into it!...

Push the Pause Button

Push the Pause Button

Pause – noun 1. a temporary stop in action or speech. There is a moment at the beginning of each Holding Safer Spaces training, where a bell is rung twice, with a pause in...

Being Mindful of Self-Care

Being Mindful of Self-Care

It seems common these days to include a reference to the pandemic at the beginning of any conversation we have whether it be by phone email, text, messaging, video... An...

Learning is in your hands: Top 5 Areas for CALP Portal PD

Learning is in your hands: Top 5 Areas for CALP Portal PD

Professional Development is a high priority to our funder. In fact, in the CALP Guidelines (July 2018) on page 13 it states: “The department encourages funded organizations...

The Newly Revised A.L.L (Adult Literacy and Learning) in Family Literacy Programs

The Newly Revised A.L.L (Adult Literacy and Learning) in Family Literacy Programs

Why did it need to be revised? In 2019 a new required training for family literacy programs was introduced specifically for CALP-funded programs. It is called “CALP...

Breaking the Ice in Getting to Know Others

Breaking the Ice in Getting to Know Others

This past summer I attended a First Aid course for recertification. As I arrived in the training room, I noticed those who were there were focusing on reading and completing...

CALP PD: It's all about the adult learner

CALP PD: It's all about the adult learner

Over the last couple of years, the Community Learning Network has moved to an outcomes-based model of measuring the impact of the supports, resources and training we provide...

Supporting Each Other's Success

Supporting Each Other's Success

Is it just me, or has the last year gone by in a flash? In many ways it seems like just yesterday that I was transitioning out of my old role with Flagstaff Adult Learning...