Focus on Savouring and Gratitude
Eight and a half months into Covid-19, and I have been fortunate enough to be able to attend my first “hybrid” CLN Board meeting with cohorts from around the province. I have...
CALP Heroes
I am amazed at the innovative and creative ways CALP staff have found to connect with learners, from the basics of mailing or dropping off resources followed up with a phone...
Tips and Tricks for Working from Home
These are interesting times we are living in. COVID-19 has turned our world upside down and has us adapting to things we never dreamed we would. One of the biggest shifts in...
Construction Zone Ahead: Helping Learner’s IMPROVE Their Skills
Why the Tool? I don’t know about you, but my memory Is not impressive…I’m surprised my phone hasn’t gone on strike due to the number of lists and reminders I enter into it!...
Push the Pause Button
Pause – noun 1. a temporary stop in action or speech. There is a moment at the beginning of each Holding Safer Spaces training, where a bell is rung twice, with a pause in...
Being Mindful of Self-Care
It seems common these days to include a reference to the pandemic at the beginning of any conversation we have whether it be by phone email, text, messaging, video... An...
Learning is in your hands: Top 5 Areas for CALP Portal PD
Professional Development is a high priority to our funder. In fact, in the CALP Guidelines (July 2018) on page 13 it states: “The department encourages funded organizations...
The Newly Revised A.L.L (Adult Literacy and Learning) in Family Literacy Programs
Why did it need to be revised? In 2019 a new required training for family literacy programs was introduced specifically for CALP-funded programs. It is called “CALP...
Breaking the Ice in Getting to Know Others
This past summer I attended a First Aid course for recertification. As I arrived in the training room, I noticed those who were there were focusing on reading and completing...
CALP PD: It's all about the adult learner
Over the last couple of years, the Community Learning Network has moved to an outcomes-based model of measuring the impact of the supports, resources and training we provide...
Supporting Each Other's Success
Is it just me, or has the last year gone by in a flash? In many ways it seems like just yesterday that I was transitioning out of my old role with Flagstaff Adult Learning...