CALP Portal Blog

Exploring Research

Exploring Research

Have you ever wondered why people don’t come to your programs or how to keep them motivated once they do come in the door? Are you curious about the beliefs and assumptions...

Adult Learning Principles

Adult Learning Principles

I am going to let you in on a little secret; last July I set some goals for myself for the year ahead. And now, here we are a year later… I feel like I have learned a lot...

Planning for Assessment

Planning for Assessment

* Please note that this blog has been updated since it's original post. From the first moment they enter our office, and until the day they leave, CALP staff work with...

Volunteers – Building Capacity – Sharing the Journey

Volunteers – Building Capacity – Sharing the Journey

Did you know that 12.7 million Canadians volunteer their time and energy each year? How fortunate we are to live in a country where people give so generously of their time,...

Bridging existing learners to Foundational Learning

Bridging existing learners to Foundational Learning

This year I have spent time exploring the idea of learner recruitment with CALPs in the South region. To begin we relied heavily on the Learner Support Services eLearning...

What if I Don’t Return to Work Tomorrow?

What if I Don’t Return to Work Tomorrow?

Let’s face it - life happens. We retire, we move away, we quit our job for various reasons, or we might even become critically ill. How do CALPs plan for when this happens?...

Our Communities’ Indigenous Learners - Asking the hard questions.

Our Communities’ Indigenous Learners - Asking the hard questions.

This week's guest blog comes from Kelly Schram, Executive Director at Manning Community Adult Learning and Literacy. Kelly shares some of her reflections on Manning's...

Family Literacy Feature: ELL MOMS in Drayton Valley

Family Literacy Feature: ELL MOMS in Drayton Valley

In this week’s “Strengthening Family Literacy” feature blog, Tanya Harding shares about the ELL MOMS program at Drayton Valley & District Community Learning Association. We...

Family Literacy Feature: Growing Child, Growing Parent at LEARN

Family Literacy Feature: Growing Child, Growing Parent at LEARN

In this week’s “Strengthening Family Literacy” feature blog, Deborah Forbes shares about the Family Literacy program at LEARN in Medicine Hat. We asked her to answer a few...

Family Literacy Feature: Magic Carpet Ride at CanLearn Society

Family Literacy Feature: Magic Carpet Ride at CanLearn Society

Over the next few weeks, Advanced Education will be posting a series of guest blogs, "Strengthening Family Literacy". The blogs have been written by CALPs about their family...

From Advanced Education: Strengthening Family Literacy

From Advanced Education: Strengthening Family Literacy

This week's blog comes to you from the CALP Team at Alberta Advanced Education. Literacy is indeed a Family Affair! Literacy is an integral part of everything we do in life...

Support for Adult Literacy Learners

Support for Adult Literacy Learners

This week, we are pleased to feature a guest blogger. The blog has been submitted by Tracy Topolnitsky, Chair, Academic Upgrading at NorQuest College. When I began teaching...

Using Games to teach Literacy and Foundational Learning

Using Games to teach Literacy and Foundational Learning

Recently, I had a request for an e-copy of the Groovy Games for Adults booklet that was included in one of the Symposium door prizes last September. The request came when I...

Key Tips for a Positive Public Speaking experience

Key Tips for a Positive Public Speaking experience

Have you ever been nervous to give a talk in front of a group? If you answered “yes” to this question, you are not alone! Most people have a fear of speaking in public . I...

Engaging Learners with Authentic Materials

Engaging Learners with Authentic Materials

When I would meet with foundational learners to discuss our volunteer tutor program I usually gave them an assignment. While they waited for a volunteer tutor, I asked them...

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

I’m guessing that we all have things on our “to do” list that keep getting pushed to the ‘When I have time’ pile, or the ‘In a perfect world’ folder. We all know what it...

What do Museums Have to Do with CALPs?

What do Museums Have to Do with CALPs?

At first glance it may not appear that Community Adult Learning Programs and museums have a lot in common but a closer look reveals they have similar mandates. Community...

Discover Syria

Discover Syria

This week, we are pleased to feature a guest blogger. The blog has been submitted by Alla Mysko-Henke, Adult Literacy Program Manager at the Red Deer Public Library. Last...

A Snap Shot of Land based Metis Settlements in Alberta

A Snap Shot of Land based Metis Settlements in Alberta

Tansi, As the Indigenous Liaison for the Community Learning Network, a large part of my position is working directly with the Metis Settlements. Some of the Metis Settlements...

How to Help Develop Job Search Strategies

How to Help Develop Job Search Strategies

This week, we are pleased to feature a guest blogger. The blog has been submitted by Lois Polege, Adult Learning Coordinator for Flagstaff Community Adult Learning and...