
13 Articles match your search...
Facing into the Wind
Facing into the Wind
Facing into the Wind For anyone living on the prairies, wind is a familiar part of our world. If I’m honest, it is not always something I embrace as I prefer still calm...
Increase Your Reach with Online Learning
Increase Your Reach with Online Learning
Change is in the air. You can feel the energy shift from lazy summer days to a quicker autumn pace. As we get ready for fall, CALP staff are busily creating schedules and...
Speaking (or writing) Plainly
Speaking (or writing) Plainly
Speaking plainly is something we are born doing. Even a baby’s cry is usually a clear indicator that something’s up and parents learn pretty quickly what that is just by...
Plain Language CALP Websites: How does yours measure up?
Plain Language CALP Websites: How does yours measure up?
Help Please! This fall, a CALP staff member asked me: “We are in the process of revamping our website, and were wondering if you had any suggestions of some good ones that...
Maximizing Learner Support Service Connections
Maximizing Learner Support Service Connections
Maximizing Learner Support Service Connections Prepare! Understand how Learner Support Services are defined in the CALP Guidelines: “Grant recipients provide Learner Support...
Adult Learning Alberta - New Website to Connect Adult Learners to Online CALP Learning Opportunities
Adult Learning Alberta - New Website to Connect Adult Learners to Online CALP Learning Opportunities
We are growing something new together! Pincher Creek Community Adult Learning has been part of an exciting new initiative over the last few months. Background: In the spring...
Bulk Book Orders and Discount Pricing for CALPs
Bulk Book Orders and Discount Pricing for CALPs
Updated November 2019 Say it Again for the Folks in the Back! Way back in 2016, CLN made a big announcement: six fantastic publishing companies agreed to provide books to...
Teamwork Across the Generations
Teamwork Across the Generations
Strong relationships and a safe and welcoming atmosphere are important, not just for our learners but also within our organization as a whole. When I look across the CALP...
A Safe and Welcoming Space
A Safe and Welcoming Space
Brenda nervously looked out the window at the door of the High School. It was September and time to return to school. She was entering Grade 10 at a new school. Butterflies...
What if I Don’t Return to Work Tomorrow?
What if I Don’t Return to Work Tomorrow?
Let’s face it - life happens. We retire, we move away, we quit our job for various reasons, or we might even become critically ill. How do CALPs plan for when this happens?...
High Fives All Around! – Appreciation and Retention Strategies
High Fives All Around! – Appreciation and Retention Strategies
Why is Conveying Appreciation Important? Regardless of where a CALP location is in Alberta or whether they are large or small, one similarity in the non-profit CALP world is...
A Day in the Life of a CALP Coordinator
A Day in the Life of a CALP Coordinator
This week we are delighted to feature a guest blogger! Tanjia Hayden-Kaye is the Coordinator at the Ponoka office of the Ponoka/Rimbey Adult Learning. This week, she's...
How Ready is your CALP for Staff Transition?
How Ready is your CALP for Staff Transition?
Think back to your first days on the job.... The learning curve was so steep ! Everything was new and there was so much information to absorb and apply. For many CALP staff,...