23 Articles match your search, displaying matches 1 to 20...
We Are All Connected
“We are all connected” Most of us have heard this phrase, and some of us have used it, but what does it mean? In Indigenous culture the meaning of kinship extends far beyond...
Elements of a Strong Adult Literacy Program
As CALP providers, one of our main roles is to support adult literacy learners. Adult literacy learners in CALP are adults who are generally born in Canada and need to...
Honoring National Indigenous History Month
Each year in June Canadians acknowledge National Indigenous History Month. National Indigenous History Month was first recognized in June 2009. It was created to educate...
Facing into the Wind
Facing into the Wind For anyone living on the prairies, wind is a familiar part of our world. If I’m honest, it is not always something I embrace as I prefer still calm...
Voices from the Field: CALP Family Literacy Program Practitioners
Every year on January 27, ABC Life Literacy Canada hosts Family Literacy Day, the largest national family literacy event in Canada. This year, the theme is: Let’s have a...
Reconciliation - A Starting Point
As the leaves change from bold and bright lush greens, to magnificent oranges, yellows and reds, my mind wanders off to thoughts of what fall brings. Fall to many means kids...
Advocating Literacy
For many years UNESCO has been an advocate for literacy around the world. They declared September 8 as International Literacy Day back in 1967. In 2003, they led the United...
Growing Understanding in the CALP System
As the Metis & Indigenous Liaison, I have had the honour of being in this role for the last six years. I have seen the growth the Community Learning Network and the entire...
Learners Stepping Out of the Shadows
There has been a recurring theme popping up over and over for me—the importance of story. Stories are a way of sharing knowledge, truth, laughter, pain, and so much more. I...
Adult Learners and a New Place to Find Them
Location, location, location! Attracting adult learners can seem like a daunting task, but you know promoting your programs in the right locations can make a world of...
Pathways to Truth and Reconciliation
This Friday, September 30th is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. As each of us journeys toward a better understanding of what that means to us in our home, work and...
Reflections from Metis, Indigenous & Inuit CALP practitioners
The month of June is a time to celebrate and honor Indigenous people in all ways. When I think about this very important month, I think about the Metis, Indigenous & Inuit...
Indigenous Books and Resources
Tansi, As you may know Indigenous peoples have a rich tradition of oral history and storytelling. Stories are told to pass down traditional knowledge to guide and to teach...
Publisher Spotlight: ORCA Book Publishers
For the past 4 years, CALPs across Alberta have had access to generous book discounts from a variety of publishing companies. This year I'd like to highlight those companies...
National Indigenous Day 2020
Tansi, Hello Did you know that June is National Indigenous History Month, and National Indigenous day is on June 21st? As we find ourselves in these strange times of a global...
Growing up Niitsitapii in Canada
This week, we are pleased to feature a guest blogger. The blog has been submitted by Lucille Provost, Indigenous Learner Liaison, Pincher Creek Adult Learning Program. As the...
Learner Engagement: The Missing Link
This week we are pleased to feature a guest blogger. The blog has been submitted by Monica Sczyrba-Davis, Executive Director, Pincher Creek Community Adult Learning Program....
Let's Celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day
Image courtesy of Government of Canada web site, http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1100100013248/1100100013249 Tansi (Hello), Wow, National Indigenous Peoples Day is already...
Our Communities’ Indigenous Learners - Asking the hard questions.
This week's guest blog comes from Kelly Schram, Executive Director at Manning Community Adult Learning and Literacy. Kelly shares some of her reflections on Manning's...
A Snap Shot of Land based Metis Settlements in Alberta
Tansi, As the Indigenous Liaison for the Community Learning Network, a large part of my position is working directly with the Metis Settlements. Some of the Metis Settlements...