
10 Articles match your search...
Growing Understanding in the CALP System
Growing Understanding in the CALP System
As the Metis & Indigenous Liaison, I have had the honour of being in this role for the last six years. I have seen the growth the Community Learning Network and the entire...
My Unsettling Journey
My Unsettling Journey
In August 2021, I joined the CLN as Regional Support Staff in the North. I have always admired and respected the work of the CALPs who support literacy and foundational...
Finding Strength in our Connections
Finding Strength in our Connections
As National Indigenous Peoples Day has been approaching, my heart and soul has been mourning the discovery of the 215 children at the former Indian Residential School in...
Publisher Spotlight: ORCA Book Publishers
Publisher Spotlight: ORCA Book Publishers
For the past 4 years, CALPs across Alberta have had access to generous book discounts from a variety of publishing companies. This year I'd like to highlight those companies...
National Indigenous Day 2020
National Indigenous Day 2020
Tansi, Hello Did you know that June is National Indigenous History Month, and National Indigenous day is on June 21st? As we find ourselves in these strange times of a global...
Inclusive Learning Spaces for the LGBTQ2S+ Community
Inclusive Learning Spaces for the LGBTQ2S+ Community
This week's guest blog comes to you from the CALP Team at Alberta Advanced Education: Interview with Brenda Barritt on inclusive learning spaces for the LGBTQ2S+ community....
Holding Safer Spaces for Adult Learners
Holding Safer Spaces for Adult Learners
This week's guest blog comes to you from Brenda Barritt, Project Lead - "Holding Safer Spaces" Professional Development Pilot. As we change over our calendars and get used to...
Growing up Niitsitapii in Canada
Growing up Niitsitapii in Canada
This week, we are pleased to feature a guest blogger. The blog has been submitted by Lucille Provost, Indigenous Learner Liaison, Pincher Creek Adult Learning Program. As the...
The Importance of Providing Safety, Kindness and Comfort
The Importance of Providing Safety, Kindness and Comfort
As the fires rage in Northern Alberta the memories, emotions, thoughts and feelings find their way back to my heart and mind. When the fires were burning in our neighbouring...
Teamwork Across the Generations
Teamwork Across the Generations
Strong relationships and a safe and welcoming atmosphere are important, not just for our learners but also within our organization as a whole. When I look across the CALP...