
30 Articles match your search, displaying matches 1 to 20...
Bonnie's Book Clubs

Bonnie's Book Clubs

I had the privilege of talking with Bonnie Caron, the Literacy Specialist at Project Adult Literacy Society (PALS) about book clubs. I have previously worked with Bonnie and...

CALP PD 2024-25: Welcome Week and so much more...

CALP PD 2024-25: Welcome Week and so much more...

September marks the beginning of the PD & training year for CLN! We want to let you know what professional development and training options to look forward to this Fall. We...

Learning from Strengthening Literacy Practices

Learning from Strengthening Literacy Practices

This fall will start the sixth year for Strengthening Literacy Practices being offered to CALP staff. Over the six years, 41 CALP staff have taken the training of which 31...

Facing into the Wind

Facing into the Wind

Facing into the Wind For anyone living on the prairies, wind is a familiar part of our world. If I’m honest, it is not always something I embrace as I prefer still calm...

What has Symposium meant to you?

What has Symposium meant to you?

The 2024 Literacy & Learning Symposium Registration Kick-Off is on February 6, 2024! Many CALP staff look forward to this event every year, and there is a reason they keep...

Voices from the Field: CALP Family Literacy Program Practitioners

Voices from the Field: CALP Family Literacy Program Practitioners

Every year on January 27, ABC Life Literacy Canada hosts Family Literacy Day, the largest national family literacy event in Canada. This year, the theme is: Let’s have a...

Welcome Week 2023

Welcome Week 2023

You are invited! CLN staff are gearing up for the start of a new year of professional development and training. To start off our 2023-2024 year, we’invite you to join us for...

CALP PD: Fact or Fiction?

CALP PD: Fact or Fiction?

There have been many exciting wins for CALP organizations this past year through professional development! Let’s see what you know about the training and learning...

Impact of Strengthening Literacy Practices on CALP staff

Impact of Strengthening Literacy Practices on CALP staff

“Being part of this project has been unbelievably helpful to me in how I will support literacy learners in the future. I feel that it has been the best training I have ever...

A Gift of Kindness

A Gift of Kindness

CALP staff are well known for extending kindness to their learners, volunteers and community members. Focusing on strength-based learning and learner-centred approaches are...

Holding Safer Space ~ Gathering Stones

Holding Safer Space ~ Gathering Stones

I was gathering some items in my office for a project, and as I moved around my space I found an assortment of rocks. They were different sizes and shapes but all tied to a...

Learning the Landmarks

Learning the Landmarks

This week's guest blog post is by Tammy Nischuk. Looking outside my window is a winter wonderland of white. Every treetop, roof and street is dusted in snow and the wind has...

Start Here: a Portal Resource Guide

Start Here: a Portal Resource Guide

Picture the holiday scene: the family has gathered, the lights are twinkling, presents wait for excited children. Laughter, music, good food; it’s a perfect holiday...

The Digital Divide Project

The Digital Divide Project

This week's guest Vlog post is by Monica Leong, Digital Divide project manager, Calgary Learns. Calgary Learns is excited to bring you the Digital Divide project, a new,...

Continuing to Pause – Lessons I’m Learning

Continuing to Pause – Lessons I’m Learning

There’s a phrase we often use in the Holding Safer Spaces training as we begin the circle, “How are you arriving?” I want to begin this moment together with you with the same...

Learning Forward

Learning Forward

March 11, 2021 was a significant date. A date that marked one full year since the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic. In that year, you may have whipped...

Calling You Forward to Learn, Improve and Grow…

Calling You Forward to Learn, Improve and Grow…

Welcome to January 2021. Yes, I know the month is almost over, but honestly I feel like I’m still trying to catch my breath. In some ways Christmas feels like it was just...

Virtual Book Review for CALP Basics e-Learning

Virtual Book Review for CALP Basics e-Learning

CALP Basics e-Learning In the world of literacy, it may not be a surprise that many of us have a love for reading! Whether it’s scrolling a screen or turning the pages of a...

Volunteer Perspective on Psychological First Aid

Volunteer Perspective on Psychological First Aid

This week's guest blog post is by Carlee Knight. This past October, I had the opportunity to take Psychological First Aid, a Canadian Red Cross certified course offered by...

Focus on Savouring and Gratitude

Focus on Savouring and Gratitude

Eight and a half months into Covid-19, and I have been fortunate enough to be able to attend my first “hybrid” CLN Board meeting with cohorts from around the province. I have...