CALP PD: It's all about the adult learner

Over the last couple of years, the Community Learning Network has moved to an outcomes-based model of measuring the impact of the supports, resources and training we provide to the CALP system. As many of you know, our work is guided by the vision and outcomes that are outlined in the PD Logic Model and Evaluation Framework, similarly to how CALP programs are accountable to the CALP Logic Model and Evaluation Framework. Just like you, we’ve had to shift from reporting and measuring outputs to trying to measure outcomes, evaluate impact and answer the question, “So what?

  • For example, we could tell you that in the 2016-17 grant year, we increased the number of training opportunities we delivered, coordinated or hosted by over 50%.... So what?

  • We could tell you that Regional Support Staff provided customized, personal supports to CALP staff at more than 170 New Staff/Site Visits this year…. So what?

  • Over 265 people received face to face training in required programs like Introduction to Adult Foundational Learning, Introduction to Family Literacy and Family Literacy models…. So what?

  • We know that 260 people came together at Regional Meetings this spring all around the province. People were able to connect, network, share successes and challenges, and steal great ideas from their peers… So what?

So why do we do what we do?

To support the vision of the PD Logic Model, where CALP staff drive relevant, quality adult learning. The Community Learning Network’s mission is to support community adult learning programs through leadership, resources, training and connections.

If we are providing relevant, practical, high quality professional learning opportunities, CALP staff will be better positioned to support the adult learners in their communities.

In the end, PD, training and supports to CALP staff all boil down to this: it’s all about the adult learner.

While it may be simple for us to report on how many people showed up at events this year, or tapped into various supports and resources, it’s just not as straightforward for us to tell what difference we are making. In real-world terms, how does our work to support the CALP system ultimately contribute to impacting the lives of adult learners?

The only way we will know is if you tell us! If you are a CALP staff person, instructor, facilitator, volunteer or a board member, we want to hear from you.

  • Are the training opportunities we bring to the field relevant to the work you do?
  • Can CALPs take away practical strategies and tools to implement in their own programs and communities?
  • Do the networking and peer-to-peer collaborative learning opportunities we coordinate support CALPs to build communities of practice and learn from one another?

Our year-end Member Services Survey is open to anyone who has accessed any of the supports, resources or training provided by CLN this year.

You do not need a CALP Portal account to participate in this survey and give your feedback.

Not only will you be helping us evaluate our work in the past year, your thoughts and ideas will also help inform our planning for the year ahead.

If you haven’t yet taken the time to share your thoughts and reflections, we would still love to hear from you. The survey will only take 5 to 15 minutes of your time to complete, and the input will be invaluable not only to the CLN, but also to the CALP system as a whole. Your feedback helps us see what’s working well, where there are gaps to be addressed in PD, training and supports, and where we can continue to improve.

The survey is available online at

We look forward to reviewing your feedback!

Odette Lloyd
Communications Specialist
Community Learning Network

Published on June 14, 2017