Resource Review: ABC Life Literacy

ABC logoFor those of you who work in Family Literacy, the name ABC Life Literacy will be very familiar. These are the folks who promote Family Literacy Day across Canada every January 27th. In fact, 2019 was the 20th anniversary of Family Literacy Day. This year’s theme was “Take 20” and you can find everything from activity ideas, to media resources and public service announcement videos on their FLD page:

What you might not know, is ABC Life Literacy Canada also provides adult literacy tools and resources. They have developed resources in several different areas, including financial and workplace literacy. Even better? All of their resources are written in plain language for learners at a foundational level (PIAAC level 2, which is approximately grades 6-8).

The CLN team recently met with Allison Nichol Longtin, ABC Life Literacy’s Senior Coordinator for Western & Northern Canada. She shared information about two of their adult literacy programs with us: Money Matters and UP Skills for Work.

Money Matters: Matters logo

Money Matters is a series of financial literacy workshops, written and designed with the adult learner in mind. Materials include:

  • approachable, discussion-based activities
  • topics based on extensive research and feedback from learners
  • literacy level 2 content (grade 6-8 reading level)
  • all financial terminology is defined—in the text, and in a glossary

Money Matters materials are adaptable to suit learners’ needs, and are delivered free of charge directly to your organization. Host sites can choose to deliver the materials in house, or coordinate with a TD volunteer facilitator at no charge.

Their three financial literacy programs are:

  • Money Matters Core (for Canadian learners)
  • Money Matters for Newcomers and New Canadians
  • Money Matters for Indigenous Peoples

UP! Skills for Work:

UP Skills for Work helps learners develop key employability skills through free workshops and downloadable workbooks. UP Skills features “grab and go” curriculum that is easy to deliver in house and adaptable to suit learner’s needs.

Workbooks are currently available for:

  • Motivation
  • Attitude
  • Accountability
  • Presentation
  • Teamwork
  • Time Management

Coming soon:

  • Adaptability
  • Stress Management
  • Confidence

Like Money Matters, UP Skills for Work materials are delivered free of charge directly to your organization.

The best part? Host CALPs receive an honourarium for each workshop they deliver!

To learn more about either of these programs, and how you can deliver them in your community, contact Allison directly:

Allison Nichol Longtin
Senior Programs Coordinator, Western & Northern Canada
ABC Life Literacy Canada
(416) 218-0010 x 125

We are also happy to announce that Allison will be presenting at Symposium this year. Look for her sessions - Up Skills for Work for the practitioners: ABC’s free soft skills-focused workplace literacy program explained, and Money Matters for the practitioners: ABC’s free financial literacy program explained, when you register. She will also be doing a session at Meet-the-Expert. 

Cheryl Lovstrom, CLN
Central Regional Support Staff

Published on January 29, 2019 by Cheryl Lovstrom