West Central Region
South Peace Rural Community Learning Association
Hythe Community Centre,
10108 - 104 Ave, Box 120,
Hythe, Alberta
T0H 2C0

Kendra Smith, CALP Director - Phone 780-354-2656 E-mail: learning@sprcl.ca
Amanda Munro, Literacy Coordinator
Phone: 780-897-4365 E-mail: literacy@sprcl.ca
Tabitha Janzen, Central Peace Coordinator (Rycroft/Spirit River) Phone 780-864-7774 E-mail: centralpeace@sprcl.ca
Angela Lieverse, CALP Assistant - Phone 587 297 5609 E-mail: admin@sprcl.ca
Serving the educational needs of adults in the RURAL COMMUNITIES located in the Counties of Grande Praire, Birch Hills, Saddle Hills and M.D. of Spirit River, including the communities of Beaverlodge, Hythe, Wembley, La Glace, Sexsmith, Clairmont, Bezanson, Village of Grovedale (M.D. Greenview) Spirit River, Rycroft, Wanham, Bonanza, Silver Valley and Gordondale.
Office Hours
Hythe Office open Monday to Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Friday 9 am to 3 pm. Appointments are available on off hours. Please call Angela at 587-297-5609
Central Peace Office Monday through Thursday 9:00 - 4:00 pm by appointment only. Closed Friday
Summer Hours
June, Hythe office is open Monday to Friday 9am to 2:30pm or by appointment.
Closed July and August