Learner Demographics

Learner Demographics

We know our learner’s name and we can likely “guesstimate” their age. However, some of the other demographic information can be trickier to determine at a first meeting. 

The CALP grant asks organizations to collect the following demographic information about learners: 

  • Learner gender
  • Learner age group
  • Previous schooling
  • Learner Profile 
    • First Nation/Métis/Inuit
    • Permanent/Temporary Residents/Refugees

Not all CALP staff feel comfortable asking these questions directly, and not all adult foundational learners will feel comfortable answering these questions. This is a great opportunity to remind you that CALP staff are only required to collect and report on this information for those learners who have an ongoing relationship with your organization. To begin, you might welcome adult learners directly into your program and get to know them from there. Other times, you might have the opportunity to meet with a learner before the program begins. Regardless, you want to focus on building a relationship with the learner and creating a safe space for learning. You have plenty of time to gather demographic information over time.

If you are looking for how to collect information in your CALP programs, refer to the CALP Data Collection Guide. To find out more about learner intake, refer to the Learner Intake Process section of the Assessment for Learning e-learning.