

The Centre for Family Literacy and the Community Learning Network would like to thank all the CALP staff, volunteers and practitioners who contributed their expertise and experience to the development of this e-Learning workshop.

  • Kim Chung - Centre for Family Literacy
  • Nancy Dinsdale - Lobstick Literacy and Learning Society
  • Monica Doherty - Centre for Family Literacy
  • Elizabeth Entz - Lethbridge Public Library – Read On Adult Literacy and Learning
  • Rebekah Fehr – Taber and District Community Adult Learning Association
  • Kate Glover - Willow Creek Community Adult Learning Society
  • Tammy Irwin - Volunteer
  • Nanette Jones - Flagstaff Community Adult Learning
  • Kelsey Lievers - A.B.L.E. Medicine Hat
  • Lil Radley - Lethbridge Public Library – Read On Adult Literacy and Learning
  • Monique Sedlar - Rocky Community Learning Council
  • Dyan Semple - Community Adult Learning and Literacy Society
  • Donna Strongman - Volunteer
  • Simon Taylor – Volunteer
  • Peggy Vockeroth - Stettler Learning Centre