Foundational Learning

Foundational Learning

  Cal P. standing on Literacy and Foundational Learning wall

We have determined that Cal P. is an adult learner. So, our next question might be, "What is foundational learning?"

The CALP Guidelines explain that “literacy, numeracy, the skills and habits needed to engage in learning, the ability to use basic digital technology, and proficiency in the English language are core skills Albertans need to be able to participate actively in society, pursue further learning, and be successful in their work”. (CALP Guidelines 2020, p.23)

This image above shows a foundation of Literacy and Foundational Learning. However, if Cal P. does not have basic skills in one or more of these categories that foundation is no longer solid. A lack of foundational skills can affect Cal P.’s: 

  • Ability to learn
  • Health status
  • Participation in society
  • Ability to access employment 

Not all foundational learners who attend CALP programs will self-identify as foundational learners. It is important that you as CALP Staff are able to recognize these learners and provide them with opportunities to access other CALP programs where appropriate. This may happen organically, over time. As you get to know Cal P. better, you may encourage them to extend and build on the skills they have by sharing other learning opportunities offered by your organization.  

thought bubble How might a lack of literacy and foundational learning skills impact a learner’s everyday life?