Essential Skills Applied to Everyday Living and Workplace Learning

Essential Skills Applied to Everyday Living and Workplace Learning

Essential Skills in Everyday Living

Supporting adult learners in developing their essential skills is often as simple as identifying tasks and activities from their everyday lives and helping them to build on those existing strengths. This video describes some examples and stories that will help get you thinking about developing essential skills with learners in your own CALP.

Workplace Essential Skills 

When it comes to the workplace, adult learners who are lacking essential skills are typically struggling with a particular task or activity. Similar to everyday living, workplace essential skills can be taught by using the specific job tasks that learners currently deal with in their everyday work environment. 

Identifying Essential Skills in Daily Life

Here are some great handouts to help you understand and identify essential skills in daily life, community living and at work:

What are essential skills?

Developed by Employment and Social Development Canada. Definitions, typical applications and examples to help you understand each essential skill.

Essential Skills in the Workplace / Essential Skills in Daily Life

Developed by the Centre for Family Literacy. A brochure that shows real world examples of Essential Skills in the workplace and daily life (printable brochure with colour photos).