Screening and Selection: Application Forms

Screening and Selection: Application Forms

Application Forms – a well-designed form can gather information that will help guide your pre-screen and interview – and there are many out there, so don’t re-invent the wheel! 

ExampleExamples of CALP Volunteer Application Forms

  • Some organizations post the forms on their website so they can be filled out and sent in before any conversations happen.

  • Other organizations like to send out forms after a conversation – this is used as another step in the screening process. You can also ask for them to send in a resume with their application.

  • Online forms versus paper forms – sometimes it’s just a matter of knowing your audience and having different options.
    • There are many tools you can use to create forms.
    • If the form is being filled out online, be sure it is on a platform that will keep information secure and confidential.