Mode of Delivery - Learning Activities

Mode of Delivery - Learning Activities

Cal P. attends a learning opportunity

Cal P. has a busy life and cannot attend on a consistent basis. In addition to working two part-time jobs, Cal P. is also the primary caregiver of an aging parent. They need a learning opportunity that allows them the ability to attend when it doesn’t conflict with responsibilities at home or shifts at either workplace.

A learning activity is a great option for learners like Cal P. as they:

  • provide relevant and meaningful content that is directly applicable to everyday life
  • are responsive to the needs of learners in the room
  • build a cohort of learners interested in the same content area
  • are offered in individual sessions that do not build on content from previous sessions

Your CALP might be in the best position to help address these things that are getting in the way of Cal P. meeting their goals. This scenario reinforces the effectiveness of the learning activity mode of delivery.