Kate Comments on the Writing

Kate Comments on the Writing

When you click each link below you will hear Kate responding to a learner’s writing as she would do in a writing group.

Sometimes the learner has turned in a hand-written story and Kate has typed it up. In this case, she usually corrects spelling mistakes as she types so that other learners can easily read and understand what the learner wrote.

In other cases, the learners themselves did the typing, with the spell check on. When the learner types their own work, it comes to writing group as is, after a quick proofread with the practitioner (typically proofread on screen so the learner can make changes while proofreading). There is a skill to using the spell check, a skill that is acquired slowly. For many learners, using the spell check is an exercise in reading—that is, the software presents options to a misspelled word, and choosing the correct one is a matter of careful reading.