Modes of Delivery

Modes of Delivery

Modes of delivery are the ways in which CALPs can flexibly address the learning needs of learners. As we know, foundational learners are unique and diverse. CALP organizations are encouraged to find the best way to set each learner up for success.  

In building a relationship with a learner, you will gain a better understanding of their past experience, strengths, challenges, and supports, along with their connection to community and culture goals and dreams for the future. You can help identify the learning opportunities that might work best for a learner and their life circumstances. 

Cal P. modes of delivery

There are different approaches for learning CALP staff can offer. 

The CALP Guidelines describe four modes of delivery:

  • Tutoring
  • Courses
  • Learning Activities
  • Family Literacy Programs

The next pages in this workshop will walk you through each mode of delivery.