Assessment Follow-Up Steps

Assessment Follow-Up Steps

No matter what type of assessment tool you choose to use with a learner, it's important to include the learner in a conversation to determine what the follow-up/next steps will be. The information you collected with the assessment should help you identify what skills the learner is improving on, and where some of their skills may still be lacking. Target the skills that will most benefit the learner and that can be leveraged into further learning. Connecting this information back to the learner's goals will help you both move forward on the learning journey, and also gives you the opportunity to recognize the value of their hard work and celebrate the progress they’re achieving.

Tips & Tricks

  • Include the learner throughout the process, giving them as much information as possible to empower their learning choices and goal setting.
  • Keep your feedback positive, yet meaningful. Learner-centered assessment is all about keeping the learner engaged in the process, so be honest with them about their learning progress and celebrate the wins, big or small, with them.
  • Connect the assessment results directly to the learner's goals, reminding them that the learning they're working on will give them the skills they need to get where they want to go.
  • Remember, one of the strengths of the Community Adult Learning Program is that we recognize that every learner is on their own unique continuum of learning.