

Welcome to the Instructional Strategies for Writing e-Learning.

The topics in this e-Learning are:

  • Thinking about writing
  • Writing process
  • Providing constructive feedback
  • Planning lessons
  • Two activities for practicing writing:
    • Alternate Perspective
    • Cartoon Storytelling

There are five videos – three videos to describe writing strategies and lesson planning and two videos with activities for writing practice. There is also a handout that goes with the e-Learning content.

The handout is in colour or black and white. Most of the content is included in the videos, but you may want to print it to follow along with the video, if that is your learning style. 

  • You can view the Instructional Strategies for Writing handout (colour) here.
  • You can view the Instructional Strategies for Writing handout (black and white) here

Download and save the handout for future reference. Or use it when discussing writing strategies with instructors and tutors.

Take the handout with you when you meet learners. It’s a great reference for writing strategies. Share it with others. And review this e-Learning as often as you like.

Happy learning!