Alberta Routes: Ask Us Anything: ELL/EAL
Wednesday, June 5, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
English Language Learning, Tutors and Volunteers, Adult Literacy
Location: Microsoft Teams
Region(s): North, West Central, East Central, Central, South, Edmonton (ECALA funded), Calgary (Calgary Learns funded), Other (I am not part of a CALP-funded organization), Red Deer (Lifelong Learning Council of Red Deer funded)
Alberta Routes Advisors are available for drop-in consultation time every first Wednesday of each month. Bring your questions about teaching language, assessing learners’ proficiency, managing classes, finding resources – anything goes! Or just drop in for a chat!
No registration needed.
Join through our Microsoft Teams link: Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 216 592 537 098
Passcode: ugAjoz