EAL Practitioners Study Group: Teaching Pronunciation
Location: Online (link to be shared upon registration)
Region(s): North, West Central, East Central, Central, South, Edmonton (ECALA funded), Calgary (Calgary Learns funded), Red Deer (Lifelong Learning Council of Red Deer funded)

Would you like to increase your understanding of and gather ideas for teaching pronunciation in your EAL class or tutoring situation? Would you like to connect with other EAL instructors? If so, join us in this exciting, interactive online study group. Participants in this group will have opportunities to gather ideas and solutions to address issues related to their own EAL context. Instruction will be learner-oriented and designed to meet the communication and content needs of the particular groups of learners that participants are working with in their communities.
During this four-week study group we will discuss:
- common intelligibility issues
- features of speech: individual sounds
- features of speech: stress, rhythm, intonation
- how to teach: lesson plan sequence
Dates: Mar 10, 17, 24, 31 (four Mondays)
For whom: ESL providers, instructors
Cost: Free
Registration link: https://forms.office.com/r/Kz1Je6PhBN