Exploring a Social Innovation Network - Community Dialogue in Edmonton

Exploring a Social Innovation Network - Community Dialogue in Edmonton

Odette Lloyd (Community Learning Network)

0 2018-02-16 1:00pm - 2018-02-16 3:00pm

Location: Suite 203, 10408 – 124 Street Edmonton, AB T5N 1R5

Region(s): West Central, East Central, Central

Exploring a Social Innovation Network - Community Dialogue in Edmonton

From January — March 2018, the Social Innovation Institute (SII) — a project of the Centre for Social Innovation — is hosting a co-creative process across Canada to explore what can be done to continue and expand the supports available to Canada’s social innovation ecosystem.

Action Lab, Volunteer Alberta, and the SII are co-hosting this Edmonton community dialogue. We would love to hear from you about the current opportunities and challenges facing volunteerism and volunteer boards, and what systemic supports would help shift the culture.

We need to hear from those in the nonprofit sector who have volunteer boards and/or volunteer programs. We also want to hear from organizations and individuals who work/ live rural/ remote Alberta.

For more information and to register, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/exploring-a-social-innovation-network-community-dialogue-tickets-42580184478

Spaces are limited, so register now!