Introduction to Adult Foundational Learning (Lac La Biche January 2020)
Location: Lac La Biche Canadian Native Friendship Centre, 10105 Churchill Drive, Lac La Biche, AB
Region(s): East Central

Introduction to Adult Foundational Learning
Dates: Tuesday, January 21 & Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (both days)
Registration Fee: $75.00 / person for CALP staff, First Nations College staff or CCC staff
Val Rathjen & Cheryl Lovstrom, Community Learning Network
Session Description:
This 2-day training workshop aligns with the Government of Alberta Community Adult Learning Program (CALP) Guidelines, and is intended to give CALP-funded practitioners fundamental knowledge for supporting adult foundational learners in communities across Alberta.
Introduction to Adult Foundational Learning takes a hands-on approach to exploring strategies for creating meaningful learning experiences for adults in CALP-funded programs. Participants will come away with practical strategies and resources to start using right away.
This training will also provide the opportunity for new and seasoned CALP-funded practitioners alike to participate in a collaborative learning environment, which fosters building and strengthening CALP communities of practice.
Attendance for both full days is required to receive a certificate.
The Introduction to Adult Foundational Learning (IAFL) workshop outcomes are:
- Demonstrate foundational knowledge in Adult Literacy and Foundational Learning
- Identify and practice collaborative learning strategies for adult foundational learners
- Access credible tools and resources for adult foundational learners
Registration Deadline: Thursday, January 9, 2020 (A minimum of 8 people is required to run this training.)
Note: Pre-registration is required; space will not be reserved without payment. To register, please complete the online registration form and submit payment by credit card.
*SAVE THE DATE for Introduction to Adult Foundational Learning Coffee Hour: Tuesday, March 3, 2020
For more information, please contact:
Val Rathjen
Regional Support Staff, Community Learning Network
Cancellation and Refund Guideline/Procedure:
If you are unable to attend a training event, you must notify Community Learning Network via email of all cancellations prior to the first day of the training. Non-attendance does not constitute notice of withdrawal.
If Notice of Cancellation is given 10 or more business days before the training event, the registration fee is eligible for a refund, less a $25.00 administrative fee.
If Notice of Cancellation is given fewer than 10 business days before the first day of the training event, the registration fee is nonrefundable.