Leading with Literacy Breakfast and Lois Hole Memorial Literacy Award Presentations

Leading with Literacy Breakfast and Lois Hole Memorial Literacy Award Presentations

Liz Duncan (Centre for Family Literacy)

0 2017-02-03 7:00am - 2017-02-03 9:00am

Location: The Westin Edmonton

Region(s): West Central

Leading with Literacy Breakfast and Lois Hole Memorial Literacy Award Presentations

The Centre for Family Literacy presents the Lois Hole Memorial Literacy Awards at our annual Leading with Literacy Breakfast. The awards honour individuals, organizations, or businesses that have demonstrated a commitment to literacy in Alberta.

Keynote Address by Mayor Don Iveson "Investing in a Poverty-Free Future"

Lois Hole Memorial Literacy Awards Presentation:

  • Adult Learner Award
  • Family Learner Award
  • Community Learner Award

For more information, visit www.famlit.ca

Tickets available online at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/leading-with-literacy-breakfast-tickets-30307199650?ref=ebtnebtckt