Literacy and Learning Symposium 2021 (Virtual)

Literacy and Learning Symposium 2021 (Virtual)

Pat Halewich

6 September 28th - October 1st, 2021
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Location: Virtual (online)

Region(s): North, West Central, East Central, Central, South, Edmonton (ECALA funded), Calgary (Calgary Learns funded)

Literacy and Learning Symposium 2021 (Virtual)

The Literacy and Learning Symposium is Alberta's CALP system’s premiere provincial PD event of the year! When you attend, you get practical, hands‐on information, gain knowledge of tools, strategies and tactics that will enhance your ability to support learners, learn about new trends, and make all kinds of new connections to build your own community of practice.

Dates: September 28 - October 1, 2021

Location: Virtual (online)

Registration deadline: Friday, September 10, 2021 at 4:30 pm