NorQuest CAEC Lab - Science

NorQuest CAEC Lab - Science

0 Tuesday, October 29, 7 pm – 8 pm

Location: Virtual

Region(s): North, West Central, East Central, Central, South, Edmonton (ECALA funded), Calgary (Calgary Learns funded), Red Deer (Lifelong Learning Council of Red Deer funded)

NorQuest CAEC Lab - Science

The following CAEC Lab is offered by NorQuest’s Innovative Education Department for learners studying for their Canadian Adult Education Credentials (CAEC) at a CALP location.

This session is 1 hour in length and will include:

·      An overview of learning outcomes

·      Test-taking tips and tricks

·      A learning activity 

To register in this Lab please complete the CAEC Lab Sign-Up a minimum of 3-days before the lab.