North Region Rural Routes Training Day

North Region Rural Routes Training Day

Admin CALP Portal (CLN)

0 2016-10-26 9:00am - 2016-10-26 4:00pm

Location: Grande Prairie Council for Lifelong Learning

Region(s): North

North Region Rural Routes Training Day

Date: Wednesday, October 26th, 2016
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: 9625 Prairie Road, Grande Prairie
Cost: $25.00 (lunch and snacks included)

Do you work with learners from other cultures either as an Executive Director, Coordinator, Administrative Staff Member, Instructor, Family Literacy Facilitator or Volunteer? If so, consider attending the North Rural Routes Training Day where the following workshops will be presented:

Intro to Intercultural Communication (2 hours)

This workshop provides an overview of intercultural communications and introduces the role of a cultural bridge. Participants will also learn key terms related to intercultural education.

Roots and Connections (3 hours)

In this workshop you will learn more about the Roots and Connections resource through practical activities, you will understand the roles an instructor plays in supporting the integration of immigrants in your community and you will experience a variety of ways the materials in the resource can be used to teach survival English language skills to your learners.

An Integrated Approach to ESL and Family Literacy (2- 4 Hours)

The focus of this workshop is to give practitioners more tools for their tool boxes by providing practical ideas and using real life experiences/scenarios when working with ESL and mixed groups (i.e. non ESL and ESL families in one group). Background information and resources will be provided on ESL and family literacy by discussing culture, traditions and best practices in both ESL and Family Literacy. This info will helpful for those working with and supporting ESL families in programs. This workshop was developed in partnership with The Centre for Family Literacy.

Registration Deadline: Tuesday, October 18th, 2016.

For more information, please contact:

Tanis Harms