Rising to the Reading Challenges of Adult Learners: Practitioner's Toolkit (St. Paul 2019)
Pat Halewich
Location: Portage College St. Paul Campus, 5205 - 50 Ave., St. Paul, AB
Region(s): East Central

Rising to the Reading Challenges of Adult Learners: Practitioner’s Toolkit
Date: February 28, 2019
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Registration Fee: $125.00 / person for CALP staff, First Nations College staff or CCI staff
Anne Price, Ph.D. is a registered psychologist at the CanLearn Society (formerly the Calgary Learning Centre). She has extensive experience and expertise in assessment and intervention for learning disabilities and ADHD across the lifespan.
Session Description:
This resource was developed to expand the capacity of adult foundational learning practitioners to work effectively with adults with reading difficulties. It includes a process for identifying and meeting the needs of adult learners with a focus on reading and red flags for learning disabilities, drawing on knowledge and instructional strategies from the field of learning disabilities. In this workshop, the focus will be on understanding the reading process. Assessment and instructional strategies will be explored. Complementary resources, including videos of instructional strategies in action, will be introduced.
Intended Audience: Community Adult Learning Program (CALP) Staff, Adult Literacy Practitioner, Volunteer Tutor
Registration Deadline: Thursday, February 14, 2019 (A minimum of 8 people is required to run this training.)
Note: Pre-registration is required; space will not be reserved without payment. To register, please complete the online registration form and submit payment by credit card.
For more information, please contact:
Cancellation and Refund Guideline/Procedure:
If you are unable to attend a training event, you must notify Community Learning Network via email of all cancellations prior to the first day of the training. Non-attendance does not constitute notice of withdrawal.
If Notice of Cancellation is given 10 or more business days before the training event, the registration fee is eligible for a refund, less a $25.00 administrative fee.
If Notice of Cancellation is given fewer than 10 business days before the first day of the training event, the registration fee is nonrefundable.