Adriana's story
Here is an amazing story about Adriana. In 1986, she was left beside a road when she was a baby. Now she is grown up and lives in Edmonton.

Three boys find Adriana
It was April 14, 1986, near Victoria, B.C. Three teenagers were walking home from school.
The boys found a baby girl inside a bag beside the road! The baby was a few hours old. She was very wet and cold.

Got help
The boys got help. An ambulance took the baby to the hospital. Luckily, she lived.

Baby became famous
The baby's story was on TV and in newspapers. People called her "Baby Jessica." The boys—Ray, Glen and Chris—were heroes.
Couple adopted baby
Soon a couple adopted Baby Jessica. Her new parents named her Adriana.
Adriana had a happy childhood. She grew up in a small town. She knew that she was adopted.
Adriana meets her rescuers
In 2006, Adriana was 20 years old. She was living in B.C.
Adriana was curious about her birth mother. She talked to the woman who helped with her adoption.
The woman didn't have any information about Adriana's parents. But she gave Adriana some recent newspaper articles.

Adriana read about her three rescuers. They were men now. She wanted to meet them.
Thanked rescuers
Adriana phoned the newspaper. The newspaper helped her meet Ray and Glen. Chris could not join them.
Adriana thanked the men. There were many tears.

Adriana plans her future
Now Adriana works at an animal shelter in Edmonton. She looks after the animals. She is very happy when people adopt them.

Future plans
Adriana wants to work with animals or be a paramedic. She wants to have a family with adopted children and lots of pets.