Learning can be a frightening journey


Learning can be a frightening journey

I am a student at Bow Valley College in Calgary. I come to school in the evening by car.

I drive twice a week from Morley. It is 45 minutes west of Calgary.




Drove in a whiteout

In December 2008, I had a frightening journey. I was heading home at night. It was very windy. The snow was blowing across the road.




I couldn't see the road because of the whiteout!

I was going 10 kilometres per hour. I missed my first turnoff because I couldn't see the landmarks.

I put my flashing lights on.




Called home

I was so frightened that I called my daughter on my cell phone. I said, "Tell Grandpa, if I'm not home by midnight, come and look for me."




Found the second turnoff

I looked for the second turnoff. I would drive a little and then stop. I couldn't see the road. I didn't want to go in the ditch.

Finally, I found the second turnoff.




Got home after midnight

I got home after midnight. My daughter said, "Mom! You came home! I was so worried."

I said, "If it's windy tomorrow, I'm not going to school."

Valerie Chiniquay, Morley

About me

  • I live near Morley, Alberta.
  • I belong to the Chiniki First Nation.
  • I speak Stoney and English.

