My summer holiday


My summer holiday

My name is Sarah. I have been going to a literacy program for 1½ years.

My tutor helps me with reading, writing, math and computers. Now I'm OK using the computer at home.



During my time off in the summer, I went on the English Express website to read the stories from old issues.

My summer holiday

We went on a ferry to Vancouver Island. Then we checked into our hotel in Victoria.




Did many things

  • We went to the waterfront to see the seals.




  • Dad and I went to the Pacific Undersea Gardens. We saw some fish and a diver.




  • I went to the hotel lobby to sit by the fire. I watched TV in our room.
  • Mom and I went shopping.

Stopped in Calgary

We stopped in Calgary and saw Grandma on her 90th birthday. Then we came home.

Sarah Bertram, VegMin
Learning, Vegreville

