CALP ConnectionsCALP Connections: 2016 Archive
CALP Connections: December 2016
Reflections from the Board: Embracing Change
I recently heard a business speaker challenge us on our willingness to adapt to change, because our world is moving so quickly in new directions for technology, culture and expectations. As part of a learning based organization, I was reminded that learning is, by definition, change. We are always looking for new ways of doing things, new information and skills, and new connections.
For me this year, one new opportunity has been joining the CLN Board of Directors. I am enjoying being part of an organization committed to growth, to innovation and to change. What a great journey to be on! It is exciting to see lots of new projects coming up, such as the e-learning modules and new professional development projects. I appreciate so much the great amount of time, skill and resources which are being invested to provide us all with intriguing new ways to build our skills.
The ability to adapt and learn is perhaps the most essential skill. So here’s my challenge to us all – let’s be nimble, let’s be quick, let’s jump over the “candle stick” – whatever it may be. Change - and learning – takes effort, but we have proven that there are great things ahead as we invest in ourselves and our communities.
Looking forward to “changing” in 2017,
Lois Polege
Director, CLN Board
Flagstaff Adult Learning, Killam
CALP Connections: November 2016
Updates from Team CLN:
Welcome, Farewell and Congratulations!
Many of you may have heard that we have recently gone through some staffing changes, and we are delighted to give you the following updates:
In October, we welcomed Pat Halewich to the CLN Team in the new position of Events Specialist. Pat will continue to oversee the planning and delivery of the annual Literacy and Learning Symposium, as well as support the coordination of increased regional delivery of a variety of training opportunities. She will also play a key role in helping the provincial PD system collect, report on and reflect on the new Outcomes-Based Measurement and Evaluation framework for Professional Development throughout the province.
Here at the provincial office in Edmonton, we are also saying a fond farewell to Mahsa Jalali, who has been with us as our Program Support over the last 18 months. Last year Mahsa earned her license as a realtor, and is leaving us to dedicate herself to her new career in real estate. We have enjoyed her sense of humour and helpfulness, and she will be missed. We wish her all the best in her new adventure.
We will be welcoming a new member to Team CLN later this month to fill the Program Support position. Be sure to check out the December newsletter to meet our new staff member - we can't wait for you to meet her!
And finally, we would be remiss if we did not also update you on the change in Central Alberta. Not to worry, Cheryl is still your trusty Regional Support Staff, but she now has a new last name. Last month, Cheryl got married! Cheryl's phone number and email address remain unchanged, but she has now taken the name Cheryl Lovstrom. If you are in the Central region, be sure to update your contact information for Cheryl.
CALP Connections: October 2016
Reflecting on Symposium 2016
The Literacy and Learning Symposium 2016 is a wrap! What a fantastic week of new connections, reuniting with our CALP neighbours and our brains being filled with so many interesting tidbits of information. I always return to the office with tons of new ideas and people to call to ask “What was that you said about….?” Thank you to the team at the CLN and the Centre for Family Literacy for hosting and organizing the event of the year for our CALP partners.
My first year on the CLN Board is a wrap as well. I was asked to Chair the Governance Committee back in November. This means I get to work with a great little team in reviewing the CLN policies to ensure they stay relevant and up-to-date. I know, most of you are cringing at the idea of policy review, but I love it!
The team that makes up the CLN Board of Directors is wonderful to work with and Lisa keeps us motivated, engaged and in the loop about all of the wonderful things the CLN is doing throughout our province. Be sure to check out our 2015/16 Annual Report with just some of the highlights of this last year.
Now we are back at our desks ensuring Final Report for 2015/2016 is complete and ready to send to our Grant Managers, making sure our programs are ready to go for the fall and our teams return to their regularly scheduled eating habits!
Great work to all of the CALPs in the field and award winners from the banquet. We have a wonderful network and your work does not go unnoticed.
Jana Thomson
CLN Board of Directors
CALP Connections: September 2016
September 8th is
International Literacy Day!
This year marks the 50th anniversary of International Literacy Day and UNESCO is celebrating it under the banner:
“Reading the Past, Writing the Future”
International Literacy Day 2016 celebrates and honours the past five decades of national and international engagement, efforts and progress made to increase literacy rates around the world. It also addresses current challenges and looks to innovative solutions to further boost literacy in the future.
- retrieved from, August 4th, 2016.
CALP Connections: Summer 2016
Happy Summer from Team CLN!
From the CLN Board and Staff, thank you to all our members and partners for contributing so much to the 2015-16 CALP year!
We hope, whether your program closes over the summer months or not, that you will all have the opportunity for some well-earned rest and relaxation in the weeks ahead.
CALP Connections: May 2016
Thoughts for Our Friends
On behalf of the CLN Board and Staff, our thoughts and best wishes are with all our friends and colleagues in Fort McMurray and surrounding communities, and others who are currently under threat of wildfire - and all the learners you serve. In difficult times, remember:
Tough times never last, but tough people do.
- Robert H. Schuller
CALP Connections: April 2016
Spring Greetings from the Board
Spring is here, and the sense of growth and renewal is all around us!
This month, the CLN Board will meet in Edmonton for our annual Board Advance, to reflect on our accomplishments over the past programming year and to plan for the future. As I think about how far we have come as an organization and as a provincial community over the past few years, I am truly inspired and excited for the opportunities that lie ahead.
I’d like to invite you to consider being a part of the next stage of our collective journey.
The CLN Board is currently recruiting Community Adult Learning Program Staff and/or Board Members to join our team. We’re looking for individuals who will bring their passion and their skills to the CLN Board, and help advance our vision, where “Community Adult Learning Programs are the hub for adult learning in every community.” If you are interested in learning more, please see the CLN Board Recruitment package on the CALP Portal (member login required) or email Note that extensive time and travel are not required, as we hold the majority of our meetings online.
I’d also like to share an opportunity to recognize and acknowledge the accomplishments of your colleagues and peers. As part of our commitment to adult learning, each year the CLN Board presents the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award. Please see below for all the details on how to nominate someone outstanding in your community or program.
On behalf of the CLN Board,
Happy Spring!
Brenda Adams, Chair
CALP Connections: March 2016
Meet the CLN Board: Lil Radley
When I started in Read On, the adult literacy program at Lethbridge Public Library, I knew that this was the job for me! Working in adult literacy is all about learning, helping others to learn, and engaging with people. It continues to be so. Dr. Seuss said it all, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
I’m now on another learning journey going to new places as a member of the CLN board. Joining the CLN board last fall has provided me with new experiences, opportunities to meet new people, and to keep learning. If I can help you, please let me know!
Lil Radley, Director
CLN Board
Lil is the Literacy Services Coordinator at the Lethbridge Public Library.
CALP Connections: February 2016
Welcome to February!
How wonderful is it that Family Day and Valentine's Day will fall on the same weekend this year? I hope all of our CALP community is able to spend the long weekend with their loved ones and take advantage of the beautiful weather.
I joined the CLN Board of Directors in October 2015. I have experience on several non-profit boards and every single one is different. My first months with the CLN Board have been very educational. I am currently chairing the Governance Committee, and I am enjoying the learning opportunities associated with being on the committee, and on the Board overall.
Jana Thomson, Director
CLN Board
Jana Thomson is the Program Coordinator at the Rocky Learning Centre in Rocky Mountain House.
CALP Connections: January 2016
Welcome back! Can you believe it is 2016? We hope you all had the opportunity to spend some well-earned time relaxing, enjoying the holiday season and making memories with family and friends. 2016 promises to be another year full of change and development within the Community Adult Learning Program.
"I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something." - Neil Gaiman
Wishing our CALP Community all the best for 2016.
Doray Veno, Treasurer
CLN Board of Directors