CALP ConnectionsCALP Connections: 2024 Archive
CALP Connections: December 2024
A Message from Tanya Klappe, Vice Chair of the CLN Board
It was six or more years ago that I was participating in a Symposium workshop, led by the now retired Karen Plourde, where she walked us through her methods for supporting adults with learning disabilities. The workshop incorporated her Reading by Sight and Sound System as well as information on how to involve other senses in the learning process. With my own background being primarily EAL instruction, this was a lot of new and exciting information for me. It was a very engaging session and one that genuinely impacted and solidified my passion for the work we do in CALP.
Is that to say my confidence was also immediately impacted by Karen’s presentation? No, I’ll admit that wasn’t the case. But then, Karen informed the room that she was retiring soon and that it was important to share her many years’ expertise working with literacy learners. Karen commented that the people in the room were the future leaders in the CALP system and she wanted to impart her learned knowledge on us before retiring. After hearing this, I remember my exact thoughts…."me? I’m included in Karen’s statement about the future leaders in CALP? How can that possibly be? I mean, who am I?”
But wait, my second thought soon followed. “Actually, sure, why not me? I’m in the room, participating in order to contribute, aren’t I? So, why not me?!”
Fast forward six or so years, and I was being encouraged to join the CLN Board. My first thought, “Really?... Me?” Second thought, “Sure, why not me?!” And I am so pleased I did. My first weeks on the board have been welcoming and engaging. I have been working in the system in various roles since 2006 and yet, this new experience is offering me a wealth of new learning and ways to contribute.
In fact, my experience on the CLN Board has led to a further consciousness of the CALP system as a whole and how all the moving parts come together to make it such a strong and impactful program in our province. The CLN Board is just one piece of this system and working together with all the individual CALPs and PD providers etc., we are making a difference in the lives of the Albertans we serve.
So, during this month of December, as we wrap up 2024, let’s all take a moment to reflect on colleagues’ and our own considerable contributions to the CALP system. There is so much knowledge and leadership coming from every corner of Alberta and I’m encouraging everyone to take notice. We’re doing great work around the province and we need to celebrate it with confidence!
With that, please be reminded that the CLN Board is currently accepting nominations for the 2025 Outstanding Contributions Award and we welcome and encourage internal nominations. Remember you and your colleagues are in the room ‘participating’ in order to contribute. So, why not you?!
Nominations can be made here:
Deadline for submissions is March 14, 2025.
CALP Connections: November 2024
A Message from Monica Sczyrba-Davis, Chair of the CLN Board
I walk my dog out behind our home each morning and watch the sun come up; it is an opportunity to connect with the earth beneath my feet and observe what nature is up to. As the leaves change colour and let go of the trees they were attached to, I am reminded that November is an opportune time to reflect on the changes we are experiencing.
The deer and the birds are starting to gather in their family groups in preparation for what it is to come with the transition to winter. I have had the gift of gathering with my family for Thanksgiving and also gathering with my CALP team, our learners, my board, the CLN board and sitting around many tables to listen and share. A common theme around these tables is the impact we have on those in our circles through how we spend the hours we are given, and how we choose to show up in the world each day.
This time of year often feels hurried and full of deadlines; perhaps there are some “leaves” we could let go of so we can focus on staying connected to ourselves and our purpose. In my own learning journey, I am shifting my energy to being present with the people I am with for the time I have with them and letting go of the feeling of being prepared for all the tasks ahead. There is value in trusting in the knowledge we have and the stories that come to mind in the moment, generated by the people we share time with through the day. For example, I let go of my scripted Executive Director’s Report for my CALP Board AGM and opted for sharing learner experiences that illustrate our best work and the challenges that remain. This created less rush and more impact: it was real. An insightful story from one of my CALP team is more important to take time and listen to, than completing the next five items on my to-do list that day. There is an expression I read on the tag of my tea bag a couple of years ago: “Nature never hurries, yet everything is accomplished.”
I have observed that we miss out on learning, joy and opportunity when we place too much attention on completing tasks. Perhaps a few less tasks, with focus and intention on what we have capacity for, will provide just as much of the growth, connection and collaboration we seek. These are lofty goals for someone with a desk full of lists and sticky notes! I wish each of you clarity in your purpose and that you create space to take care of all the parts of yourself that need tending to in this season of transition. Our connections to ourselves and between each other are our greatest strength as a learning community. Thank you for all that you do, and know that your CALP work has even greater impact than what you see in your classrooms, you matter to many people and you help learners know that they matter to all of us.
CALP Connections: October 2024
Community Learning Network's 2024 - 2025 Board of Directors
Thank you to everyone who joined us for CLN's 37th Annual General Meeting virtually on September 24th.
We are pleased to share with you the CLN Board of Directors for the 2024 - 2025 year:
Monica Sczyrba-Davis Natasha Bozek
Chair Vice Chair & Governance Committee Chair
Tanya Mercredi Tanya Klappe
Treasurer Secretary
Dave Albrecht Stephanie Brown
Director Director
Leslie Carbone Claudinei Saunders-Cruz
Director Director
CALP Connections: September 2024
A Message from Colleen Thiessen, CLN Board Chairperson
I have always loved the fall season with its warm days and crisp evenings. My fall wardrobe makes an appearance and a more structured routine begins. Everything in my life, both personally and professionally, seems to move back into a natural rhythm when September rolls around.
September brings a big change for me this year, as later this month my time on the CLN Board of Directors will come to an end. I didn’t really know what to expect when I joined the Board back in 2017, but I can tell you being on the CLN Board gave me the opportunity to take a step back from wearing my “CALP hat” to see things through a different lens wearing my “CLN Board hat.” The experience I have gained being on the CLN Board has given me not only a much better understanding of how to work effectively with my own board, but how to work successfully with a diverse and passionate group of my peers. I also learned to listen to what people have to say – everyone has a story that deserves to be heard.
Being in leadership doesn’t come without challenges and change (and I have experienced both during my tenure on the CLN Board), but it’s moving from the chaos and back into a natural rhythm that has kept me grounded.
Thank you for your support. It has been a real privilege leading the CLN Board of Directors.
Colleen Thiessen
CALP Connections: Summer 2024
A Message from Colleen Thiessen, CLN Board Chair
What is the role of the Community Learning Network (CLN) Board? This is a question that pops up, especially this time of year when the Board of Directors is actively recruiting new members to join.
The CLN Board is a governance board that is outcomes focused. We have both a Governance Plan and a Sustainability Plan in place to maintain focus in both spectrums. The Governance Plan speaks to “How we Govern” which essentially means “nose in – fingers out.” We work collaboratively with Lisa Dickner, our Executive Director, to create a strategic direction. Lisa ensures outcomes are achieved at the strategic, tactical and operational levels. The CLN Board is responsible for advocacy, policy, and having a business mindset, as well as being customer focused.
Our Sustainability Plan speaks to “What we Govern” and contains our annual required outcomes. The Sustainability Plan includes the purpose of the CLN, specifies who the CLN’s customers are, and outlines our organizational sustainability pillars as the following: Customer; Mastery; Financial; Culture & Structure and Partnerships. The organizational pillars reflect the most critical aspects of the CLN’s overall purpose, and ongoing health and sustainability. The pillars are outcomes based, and the Board reviews these pillars annually to ensure outcomes are achieved.
This is a high level overview of what the CLN Board of Directors focus on, but I think it’s important that CALPs know what the role of the CLN Board is. The board is comprised of CALP staff and board members from around the province, and we work hard in our roles on the CLN Board. It is rewarding to hear different perspectives from each board member, and we have lots of fun getting to know one another.
I hope this information piques your interest and may even inspire you to submit your application. We are thrilled to already have received some applications, and for the first time in over a decade, there may even be an election at our Annual General Meeting in September!
The deadline to apply at is June 30, 2024.
CALP Connections: May 2024
A Message from Chelsey Friedt, CLN Board Secretary
As I reflect on my two-year journey with the Community Learning Network (CLN) Board, I find myself filled with appreciation for the opportunities and insights it has provided.
One of the most rewarding aspects of being on the board has been the chance to work alongside passionate individuals like Colleen Thiessen and Lisa Dickner. Their leadership has not only inspired me, but has also deepened my understanding of effective governance and community engagement.
Through our collaborative efforts, I've come to appreciate the collective strength that comes from diverse perspectives and shared goals. Together, we've tackled challenges, explored new ideas, and celebrated successes, all while fostering a sense of unity and purpose.
What I value most about this experience is the chance to contribute to something larger than myself. Each meeting, each decision made, has been an opportunity to make a positive impact on our community and support the vital work of Community Adult Learning Programs (CALPs).
As my time on the board comes to a close, I'm grateful for the friendships forged and the lessons learned. While I may be stepping back, the experiences and insights gained will continue to guide me in my future endeavors.
Thank you to my fellow board members for your dedication and camaraderie. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve alongside you. Here's to the CLN and the remarkable journey we've shared together.
CALP Connections: April 2024
A Message from Tanya Mercredi, Director
Tánsi AyÎkipÎsim (eye-ee-ghee-pee-sim)
AyÎkipÎsim is a Cree word for Frog Moon which is the name for the month of April.
Although the weather can still be a bit unpredictable, winters grip isn’t as strong and it is an exciting time of year! Longer days are waking and warming the land, the waters open up and frogs start calling out. Hints of green are everywhere and gathering energy to start their big show!
AyÎkipÎsim is also a time of excitement within the CLN and CALP world with many things happening. I always appreciate attending the Symposium and look forward to all the connections, new insights and memories I will take away. I hope to see you there!
This is also a month that the CLN Board gets to meet in person!
As I reflect back, I was quite apprehensive but very curious about joining the CLN Board. I wondered if I was the right fit. Did I even know enough to contribute? Could I join the board and still do my job? Would my thoughts and opinions matter? The answer was a resounding yes. Becoming part of the team has helped me grow both personally and professionally in many ways and has given me a real sense of satisfaction and belonging. I have a much broader sense of how boards should work, I get great ideas on connecting with stakeholders, and it has given me a better understanding of my own board. The opportunity to work with this team is always a highlight for me. If you are curious about the CLN Board, I urge you to reach out to our Chair, Colleen Thiessen, or any other member for more information. We’re always willing to share our experiences.
I hope everyone is able to get out and enjoy even a little bit of what nature has to offer during AyÎkipÎsim. May you find all the happiness, help, health, and healing you need.
CALP Connections: March 2024
A Message from Jana Thomson, Vice Chair
Happy March, everyone! This is my favorite month of the year because it means I get to start planting my seedlings at home, the sun is out noticeably longer each day, and it’s my birthday month!
My name is Jana Thomson, and I am the Vice Chair of the Community Learning Network Board. For those who don’t know me from my previous tenure on the CLN Board, I am the Executive Director at the Rocky Community Learning Council in Rocky Mountain House.
This is my first year back on the CLN Board after serving six years, completed in 2021. I am thrilled to be serving on the Board again, and there are numerous benefits to being a part of the Board that I would love to share with you. My top three are:
Connection: I am thankful for the connections made with CALPs throughout the province, other CLN Board members and staff, as well as our grant managers and funders at Advanced Education. We can often get caught up in the happenings of our communities and forget that there are supports and information to be shared from others who have walked similar paths. Often I find other CALPs are going through the same or similar situations as I am, and it is so nice to be able to reach out and learn how others are overcoming their obstacles or celebrating their achievements.
Contribution: My experience in my CALP and working with learners for over 10 years in my community means that I can contribute to meaningful conversations. Working with the CLN to determine, develop, and provide the professional development needs of CALPs throughout the community, I have seen quite a few changes in the CALP world, which means I can help contribute healthily and positively when we see changes in our field.
Experience: Wow, I have experienced so many learning opportunities because of my time on the CLN Board! Meeting with ministers, chairing the Governance committee, and being a part of the team that makes up the CLN Board has allowed me to experience new things that I would not have had the opportunity to learn from otherwise.
For anyone considering a term on the CLN board, I encourage you to reach out to a current CLN Board member. We would always love to share the benefits of serving on the Board and being a bigger part of the CLN and CALP community.
I hope you all have a wonderful spring and spend plenty of time in your gardens, enjoying your favorite books, or whatever you like to do to bring in the new season.
CALP Connections: February 2024
A Message from Stephanie Brown, Treasurer
During February, I hear people comment about how Valentine’s Day is so commercialized, and how it does not affect them because they are single. Here’s the thing, though - it does affect them. It affects how they view love with themselves, not just with those around them.
One of the many ways to love is to cleanse oneself. Cleansing is for everyone, and wouldn’t you know... the word 'cleanse' is in the word, 'February!'
February comes from the Latin word 'februa,' “to cleanse.” In the Roman calendar, the month of Februarius was named 'Februalia,' a festival of purification and atonement during this period.(
Ways to include ‘februa; into your daily lives and classroom settings:
- Smudge your space – this is an ancient practice that is used to cleanse a space or person. You can use sage, cedar, sandalwood, mugwort, or other dried herbs that you may have on hand. Of course, not all spaces will allow for smudging due to allergies or policies not in place. We do it after hours when the space is not being used.
- Ringing of bells/windchimes/bowls – this has been constant in many of my learning spaces with CALP and CLN, and I do find them to be calming. Bringing them into literacy practice can also benefit the learner to become more present in their learning space. The bells help welcome a change in space and energy. The ring itself tells the learner that it’s time to shift into their learning space.
- Open a window – upon opening the window, set the intention for the air to cleanse your space. Visualize the negative and stagnant air leaving and being replaced with love and flow.
As CALP Practitioners, we must ensure we are cleansed and in the right mindset before any help can offered to an adult learner. This is your reminder!
CALP Connections: January 2024
A Message from Monica Sczyrba-Davis, Director
On behalf of the CLN Board, I would like to wish each of you in the CALP community a happy 2024!
My name is Monica Sczyrba-Davis, I’m the Executive Director at Pincher Creek CALP and will be celebrating 14 years in the CALP world this March. A new beginning is often a time to reflect and look back on where we started and how far we have come. In our little corner of south western Alberta and all across the province, CALPs have grown their capacity, complexity, sophistication, leadership, and skills to serve Albertans most in need of guidance to move their lives forward.
As we consider the peaks and valleys of the journey we have been a part of, I would like to invite each of you to take a moment to let go of what no longer serves you and fill the void with what you are each most in need of this year. In Pincher Creek, we are reviewing our services and creating time to work with community partners to continue offering strengthening relationships and resources to our learners, while prioritizing our energy and funds on what our CALP does best: Skills for Learning programming.
Our CALP will be possibility-focused, while nurturing interactions that grow us closer to our organization’s vision of compassionately coaching our 2024 learners towards completion of their self-identified learning, employment and education goals.
In life and in learning, I believe that if we are not at least a little bit scared of the dreams we envision, it’s not a big enough dream! Our CALP community has the most incredible connections to mentors, skills, backup, and resources, as well as answers to questions and opportunities to connect with kind peers. We strive to model what we each hope to offer those we serve.
I look forward to connecting with many of you through the various gatherings and trainings ahead of us, and I wish each of you the bravery and connections you need to accomplish your own vision for 2024!