Opening Keynote Presentation

Opening Keynote Presentation

April 30, 2024 from 1:45pm to 2:30pm MDT

Opening Keynote Presentation - Todd Hirsch







Todd Hirsch is an internationally renowned speaker and author, focusing on adaptability in the ever-changing global economic environment. An economist by training, he now focuses his research and writing on the subject of adaptability. Currently, he is the Director of the Energy Transition Centre, an incubator of tech start-ups focused on navigating our path toward net-zero carbon. Prior to this, he served as VP and chief economist for ATB Financial. Hirsch has received the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum (2022) and Diamond (2012) Jubilee Medals, the University of Alberta’s Alumni Honour Award, and an honorary degree from Mount Royal University. 

Topic:  The Economics of Community

Conversations about the "health" of the economy usually ignore one critical fact: the economy is really nothing more than human connection. How can a focus on community help us rethink the economy? And how might that help us navigate our way through uncertainty and volatility?