CALPx Talks

CALPx Talks

May 1, 2024 from 9:00am to 9:45am MDT

CALPx Talks

In the spirit of TED Talks, on our main stage we have curated our own independently organized event and we are calling it, “CALPx Talks”. This session will feature three, 15-minute speakers on thought-provoking topics as follows:

  1. Can Community-Based Literacy Survive?

Government support of literacy has changed over the past twenty years and now seems to be focused exclusively on literacy for employment purposes. Even the concept of literacy is subsumed under Skills for Success. This talk will explore what this means for community-based programming.

Presenter: Brigid Hayes - Brigid Hayes Consulting - Brigid Hayes provides strategic planning and policy consulting in adult literacy and skills. Previously, Director - Labour, Canadian Labour and Business Centre and for 14 years Program Consultant, Business-Labour Partnerships, National Literacy Secretariat, HRSDC.

  1. Challenges and Opportunities Facing Volunteers and Volunteer-led Organizations

The fundamentals and principles of good volunteer management have not changed in decades. Volunteers have, however, shifted their perspectives, ideas, and commitments to volunteering. With changing demographics of volunteers and new emerging trends this may be the time to consider if your volunteer program is on the right track.

Presenter: Lisa Mort-Putland is the Executive Director at Volunteer Victoria and the Board Chair for Volunteer Canada. She is a Certified in Volunteer Administration (CVA) volunteer management specialist with 30 years of experience in the nonprofit sector.

  1. Leadership is an Attitude
  • Your personal leadership attitude & brand
  • Intentional leadership
  • Curiosity
  • Outcomes-focused
  • Accountable to your values

Presenter: Brad Kotowich - Focused Leadership Group Ltd. - With a passion and appreciation for the power of people, Brad Kotowich helps organizations develop strategies that align people and processes to achieve great outcomes. He created Focused Leadership Group in 2004 and enjoys strong ongoing relationships with a myriad of client organizations across all sectors. Approximately 40% of Brad’s work is helping non-profit organizations achieve outcomes within their limited capacity.