Flit App for Android (free family literacy app from the Centre for Family Literacy)
Sheena Edmundson
Flit is a free family literacy app that provides parents with ideas and tools to help their children develop early language and literacy skills during the critical preschool years.
Research shows the strong influence that parents have on the literacy development of their children. Parents who talk with and read to their children from birth prepare them to learn at school. The activities featured on the app encourage these important interactions between parent and child.
Parents will find specially tailored and curated activities to do with their preschool children in eight categories: books, rhymes, games, crafts, writing, numbers, cooking, and reading. Each activity is rated for age appropriateness, allowing parents to support their children’s development at different stages.
The app provides suggestions for activities that parents can incorporate into their everyday lives, from sorting laundry to making grocery lists with pictures. Each activity also has a section that explains the why of the activity—how it supports a child’s early language and literacy development.
The app is also a useful resource for CALP practitioners and their clients.
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