Indigenous Literacy Assessment
Corrie Rhyasen Erdman
From May 2020 to June 2021, Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth (USAY) conducted an information gathering project among
152 Indigenous adults within the City of Calgary focused on literacy. The findings from that process are found within this document and aim to further the understanding of literacy challenges and provide recommendations for better service provision. The goal of this document is to deepen understanding so that future projects can make informed decisions that improve literacy skills among Indigenous adults by better understanding their unique needs and the environments of learning that they exist in.
Author: LeeAnne Ireland
Published by Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth
Indigenous Literacy Assessment Recording:
LeeAnne Ireland, Executive Director, Urban Society for Indigenous Youth (USAY) presented the findings from USAY’s Indigenous Literacy Assessment to CALP staff in Alberta on January 31, 2023. She inspired new ways of thinking about adult learning and prompted action to make CALPs more inviting and supportive to adult Indigenous learners.
Access the session’s:
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