Literacy & Immigration: The Power of Literacy in Navigating the Immigration Experience

Literacy & Immigration: The Power of Literacy in Navigating the Immigration Experience

Corrie Rhyasen Erdman, Community Learning Network

0 0 31 December 1969


United for Literacy published this discussion paper in August 2024 to prompt a national conversation about literacy and immigration in Canada.

It will examine:

  1. Cultural considerations
  2. Immigration's impact on adults' literacy
  3. Immigration's impact on children's literacy.

Questions for Discussion at the National Forum on Literacy and Immigration on October 16, 2024:

  1. What is the impact of low literacy skills on immigration rates?
  2. How does low literacy limit newcomers’ ability to fully and meaningfully take part in Canadian society?
  3. How can literacy practitioners best support newcomers to Canada?
  4. What are the long-term effects of literacy programming on immigrant populations?
  5. How do learner needs evolve for newcomers who become Canadian citizens?


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