Client Feedback Checklist

Client Feedback - Literacy Audit Checklist

LA Blue Logo Client Feedback Checklist

The Literacy Audit Checklists will help you assess your organization’s service practices. Focusing on your organization’s literacy practices can improve your connection, engagement and retention of clients.

Clients themselves are one of the best sources of feedback about your organization’s customer service skills. Their input is invaluable when conducting an audit.

In the Client Feedback Checklist you will find a rating scale you can give to clients. Feel free to customize the questions to suit your needs.

Gathering feedback orally is a literacy-friendly approach. Below are some sample questions you can ask in your feedback conversation. Feel free to rearrange the order of the questions, add new questions, or reduce the number of questions to suit your needs:

  • What do you like about our organization?
  • How do you feel when you are here?
  • What would you tell your friends or family about us?
  • How could we make you feel more comfortable here?

This literacy audit checklist is intended to be used with the Opening Doors: Literacy Audit Tool Kit