Opening Doors: A Literacy Audit Tool Kit for Customer Service Excellence (2008)
Ellen Rodgers
In 2022, CLN revised and updated Opening Doors. The revised resource is available here: Opening Doors: A Literacy Audit Tool Kit.
Opening Doors: A Literacy Audit Tool Kit for Customer Service Excellence (2008)
The Literacy Audit tool kit was designed to support businesses and organizations to improve customer service for all their clients. The main focus of the tool kit was to create a literacy friendly space by increasing literacy awareness, conducting an audit and creating an action plan.
The Literacy Audit tool kit consists of three parts, a manual, two videos and a photo essay book The Way In.
The manual has the following sections:
- Facilitation guide
- Literacy audit tool
- Literacy awareness facts
- Action planning templates
- Plain language guidelines
Accompanying Materials:
Videos: The manual refers to an Opening Doors DVD. This DVD in now available in a digital format as two videos.
- Our Stories- Stories from 6 adult learners about the importance of literacy in their lives, their families lives and communities.
- Opening the Door- Learn the challenges adults with low literacy skills face when trying to access community services, the role of a literacy audit and the life changes as a result of accessing literacy programs and increasing literacy skills.
Learner Stories: The Way In is a collection of photo essays which describes the literacy challenges and achievements of adult learners. Many of the adult learners are also featured in the videos. Click on the link below to access a digital copy of the book.
NOTE: Many of the references and resources mentioned in Opening Doors are no longer available.
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