Practical PIAAC - Continuing the Conversation (2014) - Adobe Connect Link
News Person
On November 25th, 2014, the CLN hosted a webinar featuring Brigid Hayes and Tracy Defoe
Brigid and Tracy continued the conversation begun in Edmonton last September at Practical PIAAC: What Alberta Practitioners Need to Know. This recorded webinar
provides an overview of PIAAC from the layperson's perspective
explores the question of does PIAAC matter, and if so how?
highlights some policy and practice implications of the survey
looks at what workers and employers are saying about PIAAC
considers how the results and reports figure in workplace education planning and practice
As we try to move away from simplistic (and perhaps not helpful) admonishments to move everyone to “level 3,” how do we talk about PIAAC and make sure that our messages are accurate and helpful while resonating with policymakers and the Canadian public.
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