Read Forward – a low-stakes reading assessment for adults

Read Forward – a low-stakes reading assessment for adults

Ellen Rodgers

1 0 2 December 2015

The Centre for Excellence in Foundational Learning (CEFL) at Bow Valley College, in collaboration with community partners, developed this adult reading assessment resource, informally referenced to the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) and aligned with the Alberta Reading Benchmarks.

Read Forward is a low-stakes assessment of reading skills for adults, helpful in identifying both the reading skills adult learners have gained and the skills they can build. It is made up of 30 reading tests; there are 6 different levels of reading skills and each level has 5 tests. These paper-and-pencil tests each take one hour or less to write.
This tool is designed to complement your reading or language course in programs such as literacy, basic education, upgrading, GED, apprenticeship, essential skills, workplace and college, and to integrate easily into the curriculum for this variety of programs. (Retrieved from:


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