Rising to the Reading Challenges of Adult Learners: Practitioner’s Toolkit
Emily Robinson Leclair, Community Learning Network
This resource was developed to expand the abilities of adult foundational learning practitioners to work effectively with adults with reading difficulties.
The Toolkit:
- Provides practitioners with information from the fields of learning disabilities and reading research.
- Builds awareness of the reading process. Where does reading break down for this learner? How can I help?
- Provides instructional strategies and resources that are effective for learners with LDs – and for all learners.
- Adds to understanding of strategies to support social-emotional challenges of adult learners.
- Builds an awareness of “red flags” for learning disabilities to help guide instruction and decisions about pursuing a psycho-educational assessment.
Companion Resources can be found here: https://canlearnsociety.ca/literacy-resources/
- Rising to the Reading Challenges of Adult Learners - videos - This is a set of 3 instructional videos that demonstrate a selection of reading strategies adult literacy practitioners can use with adult learners.
- Reading Connections - This is a screening tool to determine and understand the underlying sources of reading difficulties in adults with very limited literacy and foundational skills. It supports the planning of reading instruction using a strengths-based approach.
Developed by CanLearn Society, supported by Calgary Learns with funding support provided by Alberta Advanced Education.
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