Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities In a CALP Setting

Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities in a CALP Setting

In this resource, author Karen Plourde shares her own extensive learning about working with adults with learning disabilities throughout her career. Her goal in writing this manual is to build confidence in CALP staff to know they can change the learning success of adults with learning disabilities in CALP programs.Cover page Serving Adults with LD Guide

This highly interactive guide :

  • Equips staff to understand what learning disabilities are, the types of accommodations available for learners, the process of testing for learning disabilities, and how to help learners with self-advocacy.
  • Shares instructional strategies for math, reading and writing
  • Provides usable templates, how to videos, links to a broad range of additional resources specific to learning disabilities
  • Provides many practical suggestions for creating inclusive programming to enhance the success of learners with learning disabilities and all learners in your CALP


In Karen’s own words:

You can be a leader in your community in serving adults who may otherwise receive little support, have few opportunities to be included in their community, and have no other opportunity to improve foundational skills. For the adult with a learning disability, your CALP may provide the opportunity to discover their undiagnosed, hidden learning disability.

Use this manual as a guide toward inclusivity for your CALP.

Build your capacity to make inclusion successful and practical.

Click here to view the Guide.