Search Results

Portal Search

Found 354 matches for your search, displaying matches 181 to 200...
  1. CALP Professional Development Advisory Committee (PDAC)

    Professional Development Advisory Committee (PDAC) PDAC provides a formal, ongoing platform for stakeholders involved in the development and/or delivery of literacy and foundational learning to come together...

  2. Congratulations to CIWA on Food Service Industry Program Award

    ABC Life Literacy recently announced the winner of the Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life Literacy Innovation Award. We were pleased to see an honourable mention for the Calgary Immigrant Women's...

  3. Celebration and Ceremony: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and the 2021 Literacy and Learning Awards

    Since September 30, 2021 was the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada and is also Orange Shirt Day, CLN wanted to recognize the significance of the day. We had Elder Dr. Mary Omeasso-Moonias...

  4. Essential Skills - Where Do I Start?

    Interesting fact – all 5 of the CALP regions listed Essential Skills (ES) as one of their top professional development needs. So, if you’re new to Essential Skills, you might not know where to start....

  5. Bulk Book Orders and Discount Pricing for CALPs

    Updated November 2019 Say it Again for the Folks in the Back! Way back in 2016, CLN made a big announcement: six fantastic publishing companies agreed to provide books to CALPs at discounts as high as...

  6. Learner Support Services: Transitioning learners to post-secondary education

    Congratulations, you did it! Your learner has progressed through your CALP program and is ready to transition into further learning! So now what? Your program ROCKS and your learner is thrilled with their...

  7. ESL Literacy Readers

    One of the activities I enjoyed doing in volunteer tutor training was to have volunteer tutors create their own easy readers. I would take an existing easy reader from our collection, cover the text with...

  8. Exploring Research

    Have you ever wondered why people don’t come to your programs or how to keep them motivated once they do come in the door? Are you curious about the beliefs and assumptions of your learners? Do you want...

  9. Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Resources and Training for CALPs

    This week we have a guest blog from Glen McCalpin of NorQuest College.  The Foundational Literacy and Numeracy materials, developed by NorQuest College are now available on the CALP Portal. The materials...

  10. Resource Review: ABC Life Literacy

    For those of you who work in Family Literacy, the name ABC Life Literacy will be very familiar. These are the folks who promote Family Literacy Day across Canada every January 27th. In fact, 2019 was the...

  11. Tips and Tricks for Working from Home

    These are interesting times we are living in. COVID-19 has turned our world upside down and has us adapting to things we never dreamed we would. One of the biggest shifts in our CALP world has been the...

  12. Publisher Spotlight: ORCA Book Publishers

    For the past 4 years, CALPs across Alberta have had access to generous book discounts from a variety of publishing companies. This year I'd like to highlight those companies by sharing a bit more about...

  13. Volunteer Perspective on Psychological First Aid

    This week's guest blog post is by Carlee Knight. This past October, I had the opportunity to take Psychological First Aid, a Canadian Red Cross certified course offered by the Community Learning Network....

  14. Reading Materials for Literacy Learners – A Tale of Two Papers

    Now Playing: Reading Materials for Literacy Learners – A Tale of Two Papers Featuring: English Express & The West Coast Reader As the curtain rises, we see two people seated comfortably at a table...

  15. A Gift of Kindness

    CALP staff are well known for extending kindness to their learners, volunteers and community members. Focusing on strength-based learning and learner-centred approaches are principles that naturally embody...

  16. Voices from the Field: Tanya Klappe - Let’s talk language: Alberta Reading Benchmarks

    CALP staff across the province bring considerable knowledge and experience to the field. Like the adult learners they support, CALP practitioners come to CALP by way of varied and diverse personal and...

  17. Addressing Financial Barriers

    There are many different types of financial support available to adult learners, from student loans, grants and bursaries, to government subsidies and tax exemptions. Financial Aid Programs for Learners Student...

  18. Introduction to Assessment

    What is Assessment? Assessment can cause anxiety for some learners (and CALP staff too!) but the truth of the matter is assessment is simply a process of gathering information about a learner. The purpose...

  19. Ways to Assess Learning

    There are many different methods and approaches to assessment. Consider using a few different assessment methods to gather the most detailed picture of the learner’s unique needs and goals. Here are...

  20. Planning: Assessing Your Organization’s Volunteer Needs

    Have you come into an organization that already has volunteers? Perhaps you have been directed to engage volunteers or maybe you’ve never worked with volunteers and think now is the perfect time! To...