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Portal Search

Found 354 matches for your search, displaying matches 341 to 354...
  1. By Popular Demand: Basic Facilitation Skills

    Basic Facilitation Skills For Not-For-Profit & Government Organizations training workshop is hosted by Community Learning Network, partnered with professional facilitators from Community Development Unit,...

  2. Pearls of Wisdom from the Field

    I think my biggest learning so far as a facilitator is that you need to work to become a member of the community you are working in. As those connections and relationships are fostered, the opportunities...

  3. Celebrating Outstanding Contributions in Literacy and Learning

    In conjunction with last week's Symposium in Edmonton, over 225 people came together to celebrate the accomplishments of literacy and learning practitioners at our annual Awards Banquet. We were...

  4. Upcoming Regional Trainings

    With spring just around the corner CLN has a lot of upcoming engaging and meaningful regional trainings planned. Be sure to log onto the Portal and take a look at what is coming up. One of the many we...

  5. New Volunteer Management E-learning Coming Soon!

    CLN is currently working on a new Volunteer Management e-learning with The Centre for Family Literacy. The new self-directed online "workshop" will be a wonderful complement to the Tutor Training e-learning...

  6. Help us Solve the Mystery of the Missing Literacy Quilt!

    We recently had an inquiry from Pat Becklund, who was with the Literacy Coordinators of Alberta (LCA), asking if we knew where the Literacy Quilt is now. We asked around but no one seems to know, so we...

  7. New e-Learning - Volunteer Management

    If you recruit, train or manage volunteers in your organization check out this new e-Learning: Working With Volunteers: Your Greatest Partner.  Work through each section of this comprehensive e-Learning...

  8. New Trainings Coming to CLN!

    CLN is excited to offer you some new trainings coming this spring! They are all open for registration, just click on the title to go to the registration page. Holding Safer Spaces March 12 – May 28,...

  9. National Volunteer Week Enhancement Funding

    National Volunteer Week (NVW) is April 18-24, 2021. This year’s theme is, “The Value of One. The Power of Many.” Every April, Volunteer Canada leads the National Volunteer Week (NVW) celebration....

  10. Canada Life Literacy Innovation Award Now Open

    The Canada Life Literacy Innovation Award honours innovation in the creation and delivery (or in the development, implementation and delivery) of adult literacy or adult-integrated family literacy programs...

  11. This Month's Spotlight

      The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation responds to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's (TRC) Call to Action #80 which recommends a statutory holiday to “honour Survivors, their families,...

  12. Holding Safer Spaces: Open Circles

    “What does it mean to hold space for someone else? It means that we are willing to walk alongside another person in whatever journey they’re on without judging them, making them feel inadequate, trying...

  13. Literacy & Learning Symposium 2024 Update

    Our Symposium Planning Committee is excited to announce that we have selected our opening and closing keynote presenters for 2024! Opening Keynote Presenter: Todd Hirsch is an internationally renowned...

  14. This Month's Spotlight

    National Indigenous History MonthJune marks National Indigenous History Month in Canada, offering a chance to delve into the history and lived experiences of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis cultures,...