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Found 354 matches for your search, displaying matches 81 to 100...
  1. Intercultural Communication and Pragmatics

    Intercultural Communication and Pragmatics Participants will be provided an overview of intercultural communications and introduced to the role of a cultural bridge. Participants will also be introduced...

  2. Lesson Planning Made Easy

    Lesson Planning Made Easy Lesson plans are essential to successful teaching and learning. But, lesson planning can feel like an overwhelming task when there are so many demands on a teacher or tutor’s...

  3. Working with Trauma Affected ESL Learners

    Working with Trauma Affected ESL Learners This workshop is for instructors, tutors, and program staff who work with English language learners. In this workshop, participants will learn to define trauma...

  4. Connections

    I am very fortunate to have been spending time with elders from many different nations and communities. I have been hearing many elders speak about connections - connections to the land and knowing where...

  5. CALP Connections: September 2018

    Welcome back to the 2018/19 CALP year which will surely be filled with inspiration, innovation, meaningful connections and fulfillment! I hope you all had a break and a chance to recharge. On this, my...

  6. Things to keep in mind when going into a community for the first time

    For those of you who do not know me, I am the Indigenous Liaison for the Community Learning Network. I am Metis from Peavine Metis Settlement and I have more or less spent the majority of my life in the...

  7. The Never-Fail Method in a Nutshell

    I developed this method of teaching writing while I was an instructor in a developmental education program for adults. There was a wide range of learner levels in the program, ranging from people who...

  8. St. Albert & District Further Education Association

    Serving the City of St. Albert and surrounding district We have a second location at the St. Albert Centre beside the Bay.  This is for our Newcomer Connection program, Family Literacy Program, courses...

  9. Navigating the GED Waters with a Learner

    Many CALPs have likely had at least one person in their community identify that they would like to get their GED. In fact, this can be a relatively easy way for a learner to acknowledge they have some...

  10. National Literacy Supports

    In my last blog post, Advocating Literacy, I wrote about work at the international level and a call to action at the local level. I want to share with you what is happening at the national level. There...

  11. Lethbridge - (Public Library) Read On Adult Literacy & Learning Program

    The Read On Adult Literacy & Learning  Program serves  the community of Lethbridge and surrounding areas, providing learning assistance for adults up to a Grade 10 or Canadian Language Benchmark...

  12. Ways to use the Social Justice Approach

    The social justice approach does not always have to be confrontational. In fact, it is often difficult to see where social justice ends and transformative learning begins, as seen below. We can include...

  13. Announcing our Symposium 2021 Closing Keynote Presenter

    We are excited to announce that we have confirmed our Closing Keynote presenter: Dr. Rumeet Billan. Dr. Rumeet Billan is an award-winning, internationally recognized entrepreneur, learning architect,...

  14. Introduction to Building Literacy: I'm not just anybody

    Here’s what I often tell new practitioners: “There are only two things I know for sure about teaching adult literacy: 1) You will probably not get rich…..  2) but you will be rewarded.” I was...

  15. About the Author

    Meet Allan Allan Quigley has a long history of working in the literacy field. He has written this Guide to share his knowledge and insights with the hopes it can help others working to Build Literacy. Allan...

  16. Preparing For a Community Needs Assessment

    Supports & Resources There are many different ways to do a community needs assessment, so you should think about what will work best for your community and your CALP. Also, there are resources available...

  17. This Month's Spotlight

    Beginning November 25th, The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence raises awareness and advocacy for ending the violence against girls and women in Canada.  Gender-based violence has a profound...

  18. Ready, Set, Go.... Professional Development Fall 2016

    Registration for this event is now closed. Brooks Community Adult Learning Council is pleased to offer the Ready, Set, Go.... Professional Development Training Fall 2016 for CALPs that are interested...

  19. Storysacks (Edmonton)

    Storysacks Trainer: Wendy Peverett, Centre for Family Literacy Storysacks is a family literacy certificate training offered by the Centre for Family Literacy. Storysacks is a tool for supporting literacy...

  20. Rhymes that Bind (Edmonton)

    Rhymes that Bind Trainer: Centre for Family Literacy Trainer Rhymes that Bind is a family literacy certificate training developed by the Centre for Family Literacy. Rhymes that Bind is an oral language...