Call for Presenters: Literacy and Learning Symposium 2025

Call for Presenters: Literacy and Learning Symposium 2025

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the Literacy & Learning Symposium 2025!

We are currently accepting proposals from presenters with knowledge, skills and wisdom to share. Our goal is to create a program that includes a variety of relevant, high quality, engaging learning sessions to engage, strengthen and support the CALP system.

We are building a program that will include breakout sessions on Wednesday, April 30 between 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. as well as on Thursday, May 1 between 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in-person in Edmonton.

Our Symposium 2025 Theme is: “Making Waves”

We are seeking presentations with a focus on --

  • waves of imagination
  • waves of inspiration
  • waves of insight
  • waves of innovation
  • waves of impact
  • waves of possibilities

To be considered, sessions must be engaging learning formats and must have clear learning objectives. Session participants should walk away with knowledge of a tool, strategy or approach that will enhance their ability to support learners. Participants should also come away from these sessions with a clear understanding of the relevance of the session topic to their work, as well as information on how and where to access additional resources and supports.  

  • Review all the information requested in this form before you begin.

  • Please use clear, plain language to be as descriptive as possible in your submission.

  • In addition to providing a session title, session description and specific learning objectives, you will be asked to upload a print quality photo for each presenter (minimum 300 dpi resolution).

Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.

Notification of acceptance/non-acceptance will be e-mailed to all lead presenters by Friday, November 22, 2024.

Important Note: You will be logged out of the CALP Portal system after approximately one hour of inactivity. Be sure to submit your form within this time frame. Responses that are not submitted will not be saved, and you will need to complete the form again.

Primary Contact Information:

*Please Note: All correspondence will be sent to the lead presenter only.

List of Presenters:

Please note: All correspondence will be sent to the lead presenter. Please share with your co-presenters if applicable.
Please provide a maximum 35-word biographical statement.
Photos of presenters will be included in the program for attendees. Please send a print ready, good quality image for each presenter with the following specifications: jpeg format, minimum 300 dpi and high resolution.
Please provide a maximum 35-word biographical statement.
Photos of presenters will be included in the program for attendees. Photos of presenters will be included in materials for delegates. Please send a print ready, good quality image for each presenter with the following specifications: jpeg format, minimum 300 dpi and high resolution.
Please provide a maximum 35-word biographical statement.
Photos of presenters will be included in the program for attendees. Photos of presenters will be included in materials for delegates. Please send a print ready, good quality image for each presenter with the following specifications: jpeg format, minimum 300 dpi and high resolution.

Breakout Session Information:

Information in the fields for session title and description will appear AS IS in the program. Please describe your session for the program so that it will be clear to attendees what they will view/hear/do if they choose to attend your session. Note that anything over the word limit will be cut.

Please use plain language and be as descriptive as possible. Maximum 10 words.
Please use plain language and be as descriptive as possible. Maximum 50 words. Please note: We reserve the right to edit your description for clarity and length.
Your session may relate to one or more of these threads, or may be more closely aligned to threads in other categories. You do not need to select threads in each category if they are not relevant to your session.
Your session may relate to one or more of these threads, or may be more closely aligned to threads in other categories. You do not need to select threads in each category if they are not relevant to your session.
Your session may relate to one or more of these threads, or may be more closely aligned to threads in other categories. You do not need to select threads in each category if they are not relevant to your session.
Your session may relate to one or more of these threads, or may be more closely aligned to threads in other categories. You do not need to select threads in each category if they are not relevant to your session.
Your answer will be included in your session description to help attendees make their session choices.
Your answer will be included in your session description to help attendees make their session choices.
Your answer will be included in your session description to help attendees make their session choices.

Room Set-up & Seating

Audio-Visual Equipment

All Breakout Sessions rooms will have the following Audio-Visual Equipment provided:
- 1 x screen
- 1 x LCD projector
- Complimentary Internet
- Built-in Audio (SBCC rooms only)
Note: Please bring your own laptop.

Additional Information:
