look forward to this Fall.
Welcome Week 2024!
Join us online from September 10-12, 2024, for this year’s Welcome Week events! Be sure to attend the 'CALP Provincial Kick Off' to hear featured speaker, David Irvine who will be talking about “The Compassion Test: Why It’s Vital To Shift To Principle-Centered Caring” and to learn about current updates from Advanced Education staff. Check out the line up of Welcome Week events:
- New CALP Staff Webinar
- CALP Provincial Kick Off
- Regional Connections Cafés (North, West, East, Central, South)
- CALP Policy and Annual Reports with AE
- Coffee with the CLN Board
- Making the CALP Portal Work for You
- CALP Database Bits & Bytes
- Skills for Learning Panel
Looking for something new?
CLN has a few ideas up our sleeve to bring you a new lens on learning for program planning, building a resilient practice, and literacy instruction.
- Planning for Learning Series
- Wellness Lunch & Learn Series
- Communication Series - Facilitation Skills & Strategies, Small Talk and Big Talk (Presentation Skills)
- What's New in Adult Literacy Series
New to CALP?
For folks new to CALP, be sure to sign up for the New CALP Staff Webinar during Welcome Week. You will also want to register for one or both trainings required for staff in CALP-funded programs. Check out this year's training dates and register now for Fall events.
- Introduction to Adult Foundational Learning
Sept. 25 – Oct. 23 (10:00-11:15 a.m.)
Jan. 23 – Feb. 20 (10:00-11:15 a.m.) (1:30-2:45 p.m.)
May 21 – Jun 18 (9:30-10:45 a.m.) - CALP Essentials for Family Literacy Programs
Nov 13 – Dec 4, 2024 – (9:30-11:00 am) (1:00-2:30 pm)
Feb 25 – Mar 18 – (9:30-11:00 am) (1:00-2:30 pm)
In-Person Training
Attend one of these Red Cross resiliency-building training sessions and develop a personal understanding of the effects of stress, loss, trauma and grief, with emphasis on self-care and personal protection.
- Psychological First Aid Red Deer (Oct. 7-8)
- Psychological First Aid Westlock (Oct 8-9)
- Psychological First Aid Crowsnest Pass (Oct. 17-18)
CALP “Go-To” Training
Many CALPs make use of the CALP Database, offer volunteer tutoring, and teach digital skills. Don't miss the chance to learn more.
- CALP Database Learning Lab (Sept. 18), (Sept. 26), (Oct. 8)
- Tech Talk (Oct. 10 – 24)
- Volunteer Tutor Masterclass (Nov. 21 - Dec. 5)
Just In Time Learning
There are 15 self-paced training e-learning modules on the CALP Portal with a wide range of topics, including CALP basics, literacy, family literacy programming, operations, instruction, Indigenous learning, volunteer management and more! No need to register. You can get started right now!
Personalized Coaching
Would you like more in-depth learning specific to your own work and organization? Are you waiting for training but need the learning now? Book a coaching session in any of these areas:
- Literacy programming and instruction
- CALP Database
- Goal setting with learners
- Communications skills for small talk, big talk (presentations) and group talk (facilitation)
CLN’s training calendar is being updated regularly so check the Training & Events calendar on the CALP Portal often. To get the most current training updates in one convenient place, check CLN's Connections newsletter where all upcoming events are shared monthly. Don't receive the newsletter? Simply change the 'subscription' setting under your User settings when you are signed in to the CALP Portal.
Questions? Contact Ellen Rodgers office@calp.ca or 1-877-485-4926